

单词 sword



a thrusting weapon with a long, sharp-pointed blade: They fought with swords.
Not to be confused with:soared – rose into the air; rose rapidly; flew a plane that has no engine


S0568900 (sôrd)n.1. A weapon consisting typically of a long, straight or slightly curved, pointed blade having one or two cutting edges and set into a hilt.2. An instrument of death or destruction.3. a. The use of force, as in war.b. Military power or jurisdiction.Idioms: at swords' points Ready for a fight. put to the sword To kill; slay.
[Middle English, from Old English sweord.]


(sɔːd) n1. (Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) a thrusting, striking, or cutting weapon with a long blade having one or two cutting edges, a hilt, and usually a crosspiece or guard2. (Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) such a weapon worn on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of authority3. something resembling a sword, such as the snout of a swordfish4. cross swords to argue or fight5. (Military) the sword a. violence or power, esp military powerb. death; destruction: to put to the sword. [Old English sweord; related to Old Saxon swerd, Old Norse sverth, Old High German swert] ˈswordless adj ˈswordˌlike adj


(sɔrd, soʊrd)

n. 1. a weapon, typically having a long, sharp-edged blade affixed to a hilt or handle. 2. this weapon as a symbol of military power, punitive justice, etc.: The pen is mightier than the sword. 3. a cause of death or destruction. 4. military force or aggression, esp. war: to perish by the sword. Idioms: 1. at swords' points, mutually ready to fight or argue; opposed. 2. cross swords, a. to engage in combat; fight. b. to disagree violently; argue. 3. put to the sword, to slay; execute. [before 900; Middle English; Old English sweord, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon swerd, Old High German swert, Old Norse sverth] sword′like`, adj.


  • sheath - Seems to have first been a split stick that a sword could be inserted into.
  • spades - As a suit in a deck of cards, it has nothing to do with spades as tools, but comes from Spanish espada, "sword."
  • spay - A shortening of a French word espeer, meaning "cut with a sword."
  • gladiator, gladiate - The main Latin word for sword was gladius, from which came gladiator; gladiate is an adjective meaning sword-shaped.
Noun1.sword - a cutting or thrusting weapon that has a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand guardsword - a cutting or thrusting weapon that has a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand guardsteel, blade, brandbacksword - a sword with only one cutting edgeblade - the flat part of a tool or weapon that (usually) has a cutting edgebroadsword - a sword with a broad blade and (usually) two cutting edges; used to cut rather than stabcavalry sword, saber, sabre - a stout sword with a curved blade and thick backcutlas, cutlass - a short heavy curved sword with one edge; formerly used by sailorsfalchion - a short broad slightly convex medieval sword with a sharp pointfencing sword - a sword used in the sport of fencingfoible - the weaker part of a sword's blade from the forte to the tipforte - the stronger part of a sword blade between the hilt and the foiblehaft, helve - the handle of a weapon or toolhilt - the handle of a sword or daggerrapier, tuck - a straight sword with a narrow blade and two edgesweapon, weapon system, arm - any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting; "he was licensed to carry a weapon"tip, peak, point - a V shape; "the cannibal's teeth were filed to sharp points"


noun1. blade, brand (archaic), trusty steel The stubby sword used by ancient Roman gladiators.cross swords fight, argue, dispute, disagree, spar, wrangle, be at loggerheads, come to blows, have a dispute, engage in conflict the last time they crossed swords was during the 1980sput someone to the sword kill, murder, slaughter, execute, massacre, put to death, mow down Seventy thousand people were put to the sword.Quotations
"The pen is mightier than the sword" [E.G. Bulwer-Lytton Richelieu]
"All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword" Bible: St. Matthew

Swords and other weapons with blades

assegai or assagai, backsword, battle-axe, bayonet, bill, bowie knife, broadsword, claymore, cutlass, dagger, dirk, épée, falchion, foil, halberd, hatchet, jackknife, jerid, jereed, or jerreed, knife or (slang) chiv, kris, kukri, machete, parang, partisan, pike, poleaxe, poniard, rapier, sabre or saber, scimitar, sgian-dhu, sheath knife, skean, smallsword, snickersnee, spear, spontoon, stiletto, stone axe, sword or (archaic) glaive, sword bayonet, swordstick, tomahawk, trench knife, yataghan or ataghan


(soːd) noun a weapon with a long blade that is sharp on one or both edges. He drew his sword (from its sheath) and killed the man. 劍,刀 剑,刀 ˈsword-play noun the activity of fencing. 舞劍 舞剑ˈswordsman (ˈsoːdz-) noun a man who can fight or fence with a sword. 劍客,擊劍運動員 剑客ˈswordtail noun a tropical fish of fresh water, the male having a long sword-shaped tail. 劍尾魚 剑尾鱼cross swords to quarrel or disagree. I try not to cross swords with my boss. 爭論 争论




  • (draw the sword and) throw away the scabbard
  • a double-edged sword
  • a/the sword of Damocles
  • a/the sword of Damocles hangs over (one)
  • a/the sword of Damocles hangs over (one's) head
  • at sword's point
  • at swords' points
  • be a double-edged sword
  • be a double-edged sword/weapon
  • be a double-edged weapon
  • be put to the sword
  • beat swords into ploughshares
  • beat/turn swords into ploughshares
  • cross swords
  • cross swords with (one)
  • Damocles' sword
  • Damocles' sword hangs over (one)
  • Damocles' sword hangs over (one's) head
  • double-edged sword
  • fall on (one's) sword
  • fall on one's sword
  • fall on sword
  • hang up
  • he who lives by the sword dies by the sword
  • he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword
  • Live by the sword, die by the sword
  • measure swords
  • pen is mightier than the sword
  • pen is mightier than the sword, the
  • put (someone) to the sword
  • put someone to the sword
  • put to the sword
  • sword and sorcery
  • sword of Damocles
  • sword swallowing
  • sword-and-sandal
  • swords into ploughshares
  • sword-swallower
  • sword-swallowing
  • the pen is mightier than the sword
  • the Sword of Damocles hangs over someone
  • those who live by the sword, die by the sword
  • turn swords into ploughshares
  • two-edged sword
See sword



weapon of offense and defense in personal combat, consisting of a blade with a sharp point and one or two cutting edges, set in a hilt with a handle protected by a metal case or cross guard. The sword may have developed from the dagger at the beginning of the Bronze Age. It was not, however, until the more durable iron sword was introduced in the early Iron Age that the sword became an effective weapon. Greek and Roman swords were very short, with pointed ends, and had two cutting edges. Medieval knights used two types of swords: a short sword with a pointed end that was used with one hand and a heavy two-handed sword with a rounded end. During the Middle Ages the best blades were those made by the Arabs in Damascus and Toledo. Swords were widely used in the Middle East and E Asia as well as in Europe. The scimitar, used by the Persians and Arabs, is a curved steel sword. One of the best known of the East Asian swords is the Japanese samuraisamurai
, knights of feudal Japan, retainers of the daimyo. This aristocratic warrior class arose during the 12th-century wars between the Taira and Minamoto clans and was consolidated in the Tokugawa period.
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 sword, consisting of a curved single-edged tempered steel blade set in a long handle. As a highly personal weapon the sword attained symbolic importance; surrendering one's sword became a token of submission, and the custom of taking an officer's sword away from him and breaking the blade when he was dismissed from the service in disgrace arose because a sword is the mark of an officer and a gentleman. During the Crusades and later, the sword, because of its shape, frequently was used to symbolize the Cross. The sword is now obsolete as a weapon and is carried in some military units for decorative purposes in times of peace. Special types of swords are the rapier, the épée, and the saber. See fencingfencing,
sport of dueling with foil, épée, and saber. Modern Fencing

The weapons and rules of modern fencing evolved from combat weapons and their usage.
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(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

One of the coven tools in Wicca, a sword is used to mark the ritual Circle. The Priest or Priestess walks around the line marked on the ground and points the tip of the sword at it, directing energy into that line. This is the first stage of consecrating the Circle; the second and third stages involve sprinkling it with consecrated salted water and censing it with the fumes of incense.

The coven has only one sword, since it is only used in a coven situation. It is not necessary, therefore, for every Witch to own a sword. However, the sword may be used in lieu of a magic wand for directing power when working magic. This, again, is done in a coven situation with the coven leader wielding the sword.

At the start of many initiations, the officiating priest points the sword at the neophyte when asking if he or she really does wish to become a Witch. Sometimes the words, "For 'tis better to run on my sword and perish than to make the attempt with fear in thy heart," are addressed to the initiate.

The sword used in the Gardnerian tradition of Wicca has a brass cross-hilt that comprises two crescent moons back-to-back. The pommel is circular with a pentagram engraved on each side. Many other Wiccan swords also follow this design.



a thrust and slash weapon for close combat. It consists of a blade (usually straight and sharp on both sides) and a hilt with a crosspiece and a pommel.

The forerunners of the sword were blades consisting of bone bases into which flint pieces were inserted; such blades from the Neolithic have been found in the region of Lake Baikal. The bronze sword was common in Mesopotamia, the Transcaucasus, and Western Europe from the mid-second millennium B.C. The most ancient metal swords were divided into thrusting and slashing swords. In the last third of the second millennium B.C., combined thrusting-slashing swords appeared. The iron swords of the beginning of the first millennium B.C. were similar in form to the bronze swords. In the first half of the first millennium B.C., long iron swords (sometimes with bronze hilts) were used in Europe, the Transcaucasus, and the Middle East. A short sword called an akinak was common among the Scythians. Long slashing swords were used in Europe in the second half of the first millennium B.C. by infantry and heavy cavalry. The ancient Romans (third century B.C.-third century A.D.) had a short broadsword called a gladius for infantry combat and a long slashing sword called a spatha for cavalry combat. In Rus’ the most ancient swords date from the ninth century and existed until the 16th century, at which time they were superseded by the saber. In the 13th century the first Russian thrust swords appeared.

During a special study of the swords preserved in Soviet national museums it was found that many of them have different marks indicating their place of manufacture. In particular, the signatures of Western European artisans have been found, as well as the Russian inscription Liudota KovaV on a sword from the late tenth century. A sword was usually a weapon of the nobility and among many peoples served as a symbol of authority.


Kirpichnikov, A. N. Drevne-russkoe oruzhie, issue 1: “Mechi i sabli, IX-XIII vv.” Moscow-Leningrad, 1966. (Arkheologiia SSSR: Svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov, issue EI-36[a].)
Bonnet, H. Die Waffen der Volker des alten Orients. Leipzig, 1926.
Seitz, H. Blankwaffen, vol. 1. Braunschweig [1965]. (BibliothekfurKunst und Antiquitdtenfreunde, vol. 4.)


What does it mean when you dream about a sword?

Swords can represent a severing of obstacles, as well as matters requiring aggressive and forceful action. The dreamer may need to use a sword, or may be wielding it with authority and commitment.


instrument of decapitation of early saints. [Christian Symbolism: Appleton, 14]See: Martyrdom


Sycophancy (See FLATTERY.)Almacesabre of Turpin. [Fr. Lit.: The Song of Roland]Angurvadelof Frithjof; blazed in war, gleamed dimly in peace. [Norse Myth.: LLEI, I: 323]Balisardamade by sorceress for killing Orlando. [Ital. Lit.: Orlando Furioso, Benét, 75]Balmungmighty sword belonging to Siegfried. [Ger. Lit.: Nibelungenlied]Barbamouche Climborin’ssabre. [Fr. Lit.: The Song of Roland]Colada El Cid’stwo-hilted, solid gold sword. [Span. Lit.: Song of the Cid]Damocles,sword of sword hung by a single hair over his head. [Rom. Lit.: Brewer Handbook, 257]Durindana (Durendal)Orlando’s unbreakable sword. [Ital. Lit.: Morgante Maggiore, Brewer Handbook, 309]Excalibur Arthur’senchanted sword; extracting it from stone won him crown. [Br. Lit.: Le Morte d’Arthur]Fragarachthe “Answerer”; Lug’s mighty blade could pierce any armor. [Irish Myth.: Leach, 415]Grambelonged to Sigmund; broken by Odin. [Norse Lit.: Volsung Saga]GramimondValdabrun’s sabre. [Fr. Lit.: The Song of Roland]HauteclaireOliver’s trusty sabre. [Fr. Lit.: The Song of Roland]JoyeuseCharlemagne’s sword; buried with him. [Fr. Lit.: Brewer Dictionary, 594]MarmorieGrandoyne’s sabre. [Fr. Lit.: The Song of Roland]MerveilleuseDoolin of Mayence’s remarkably sharp sword. [Fr. Lit.: Wheeler, 241]Mimungmagic sword lent by Wittich to Siegfried. [Norse. Myth.: Wheeler, 244]MordureArthur’s all-powerful sword, made by Merlin. [Br. Lit.: Faerie Queene]MorglayBevis’s sword. [Br. Lit.: Bevis of Hampton]MurgleysGanelon’s sabre. [Fr. Lit.: The Song of Roland]NotungSigmund’s promised sword, found in ash tree; later, Siegfried’s. [Ger. Opera: Wagner, Valkyrie, Westerman, 236]Precieusesabre of the pagan, Baligant. [Fr. Lit.: The Song of Roland]RosseAlberich’s gift to Otwit; frighteningly fine-edged. [Norse Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 936]SanglamoreBraggadocio’s big, bloody glaive. [Br. Lit.: Faerie Queene]SautuerduMalquiant’s sabre. [Fr. Lit.: The Song of Roland]Sword of Justiceheld by the personification of Justice. [Rom. Trad.: Jobes II, 898]Tizonadazzling, golden-hilted sword of the Cid. [Span. Lit.: Song of the Cid]Zulfagarsword of Ali, Muhammad’s son. [Islamic Legend: Brewer Handbook, 1066]


Surveillance of Work-Related and Occupational Respiratory Disease
Survival with ORal D-sotalol. A trial that evaluated the effect of sotalol—a non-selective beta blocker and potassium channel blocker (a class III anti-arrhythmic)—therapy on the morbidity and mortality in patients with CHF
Conclusion Study stopped early when sotalol was linked to excess mortality .


Cardiology A trial–Survival With Oral d-Sotalol–that evaluated the efficacy of d-sotalol therapy on the M&M in Pts with CHF. See Heart failure, d-Sotalol.


SWORDSystem with Objects for Rapid Development
SWORDSpecial Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection (US Army)
SWORDSurveillance of Work-related and Occupational Respiratory Disease
SWORDSubjective Workload Dominance (Technique)
SWORDStock Warrant Off-Balance-Sheet Research and Development
SWORDSentient World Observation and Response Department (Marvel Comics)
SWORDSubmarine Warfare Operations Research Division
SWORDSecret World Organization for Retribution and Destruction (gaming)
SWORDSystem for Worldwide Operational Route Data (air traffic control)
SWORDSpecial Warfare Operations Rapid Deployment
SWORDSenior Work Outreach Day (Northwest High School; Canal Fulton, OH)
SWORDSpecial Warfare Operations & Recon Detachment
SWORDSurveillance & Warning Obstacle Ranging & Display


  • all
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for sword

noun blade


  • blade
  • brand
  • trusty steel

phrase cross swords


  • fight
  • argue
  • dispute
  • disagree
  • spar
  • wrangle
  • be at loggerheads
  • come to blows
  • have a dispute
  • engage in conflict

phrase put someone to the sword


  • kill
  • murder
  • slaughter
  • execute
  • massacre
  • put to death
  • mow down

Synonyms for sword

noun a cutting or thrusting weapon that has a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand guard


  • steel
  • blade
  • brand

Related Words

  • backsword
  • blade
  • broadsword
  • cavalry sword
  • saber
  • sabre
  • cutlas
  • cutlass
  • falchion
  • fencing sword
  • foible
  • forte
  • haft
  • helve
  • hilt
  • rapier
  • tuck
  • weapon
  • weapon system
  • arm
  • tip
  • peak
  • point




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