put (something) right

put (something) right

To fix, correct, or make amends for something. I know I said some things I shouldn't have, so I'm here to put things right between us. We need to put this right before we launch the product, or else we'll have bigger problems once it's in the wild.See also: put, right

put right

Fix, make amends, correct, as in The wheel's come off, but we can put that right in no time, or Victor thought we were moving out, but we put him right. [Late 1800s] See also: put, right

put something ˈright

correct something; repair something: There seems to be a mistake in my hotel bill. I wonder if you could put it right, please?There’s nothing seriously wrong with your television. I can put it right in ten minutes.See also: put, right, something

ˌput things ˈright

do something to improve a difficult situation or correct a mistake: The company is inefficient. A good director could put things right very quickly.See also: put, right, thing