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DictionarySeefibromatosisplantar fibromatosis
fibromatosis [fi″bro-mah-to´sis] 1. the presence of multiple fibromas.2. the formation of a fibrous tumorlike nodule arising from the deep fascia, with a tendency to local recurrence.fibromatosis gingi´vae (gingival fibromatosis) a noninflammatory fibrous hyperplasia of the gingivae and palate, manifested as a dense, smooth, or nodular overgrowth of the tissues. It is usually inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, but some cases are idiopathic and others are produced by drugs.palmar fibromatosis fibromatosis involving the palmar fascia, and resulting in Dupuytren's contracture.plantar fibromatosis fibromatosis involving the plantar fascia manifested as single or multiple nodular swellings, sometimes accompanied by pain but usually unassociated with contractures.plan·tar fi·bro·ma·to·sisnodular fibroblastic proliferation in plantar fascia of one or both feet; rarely associated with contracture. Synonym(s): Dupuytren disease of the footplan·tar fi·bro·ma·to·sis (plan'tahr fī'brō-mă-tō'sis) Nodular fibroblastic proliferation in plantar fascia of one or both feet; rarely associated with contracture. Synonym(s): Dupuytren disease of the foot. Dupuytren, Baron Guillaume, French surgeon and surgical pathologist, 1777-1835. Dupuytren amputation - amputation of the arm at the shoulder joint.Dupuytren canal - one of the veins in the diploë of the cranial bones. Synonym(s): diploic veinDupuytren contracture - a disease of the palmar fascia resulting in thickening and shortening of fibrous bands on the palmar surface of the hand and fingers.Dupuytren diathesisDupuytren disease of the foot - nodular fibroblastic proliferation in plantar fascia of one or both feet. Synonym(s): plantar fibromatosisDupuytren enterotomeDupuytren exostosisDupuytren fascia - the thickened, central portion of the fascia ensheathing the hand. Synonym(s): palmar aponeurosisDupuytren fracture - fracture of lower part of fibula, with dislocation of ankle. Synonym(s): Pott I syndromeDupuytren hydrocele - bilocular hydrocele in which the sac fills the scrotum and also extends into the abdominal cavity beneath the peritoneum.Dupuytren knifeDupuytren operationDupuytren sign - (1) in congenital dislocation, free up-and-down movement of the head of the femur occurring upon intermittent traction; - (2) a crackling sensation on pressure over the bone in certain cases of sarcoma.Dupuytren splintDupuytren suture - a continuous Lembert suture.Dupuytren tourniquet - an instrument for compression of the abdominal aorta. |