spasmodic dysphonia

spasmodic dysphonia

a spasmodic contradiction of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx excited by attempted phonation, producing either adductor or abductor subtypes caused by a central nervous system disorder. A localized form of movement disorder. Synonym(s): dysphonia spastica, spastic dysphonia

spasmodic dysphonia

Laryngeal dystonia, spastic dysphonia Neurology A voice disorder characterized by spasmodic contraction of laryngeal muscles, which chokes off words as uttered, resulting in strained and strangled speech with breaks in rhythm; SD may be accompanied by other dystonias–eg,
blepharospasm, oromandibular dystonia, torticollis, writers' cramp Management Sectioning of recurrent laryngeal nerve may be complicated by late failure; botulinum toxin injection into laryngeal muscles may be preferred

spas·mod·ic dys·pho·ni·a

(spaz-mod'ik dis-fō'nē-ă) A spasmodic contraction of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx excited by attempted phonation, producing either adductor or abductor subtypes caused by a central nervous system disorder. A localized form of movement disorder.
Synonym(s): spastic dysphonia.