schistosomiasis japonica

schis·to·so·mi·a·sis ja·pon·i·ca

, Japanese schistosomiasisinfection with Schistosoma japonicum, characterized by dysenteric symptoms, painful enlargement of the liver and spleen, dropsy, urticaria, and progressive anemia. Synonym(s): Asiatic schistosomiasis, cutaneous schistosomiasis japonica, kabure itch, kabure, Kinkiang fever, Oriental schistosomiasis, rice itch, urticarial fever, Yangtze Valley fever

schis·to·so·mi·a·sis ja·pon·i·ca

, Japanese schistosomiasis (skis'tō-sō-mī'ă-sis jă-pon'ik-ă, jap'ă-nēz') Infection with Schistosoma japonicum, characterized by dysenteric symptoms, painful enlargement of the liver and spleen, generalized edema, urticaria, and progressive anemia.