VDRL test

VDRL test

 a flocculation test" >flocculation test for syphilis" >syphilis designed by the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory; used to test heat-inactivated serum.

VDRL test

a flocculation test for syphilis, using cardiolipin-lecithin-cholesterol antigen as developed by the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory of the United States Public Health Service.

VDRL test

Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test A reaginic test–RT for syphilis, used to screen for early syphilis; it is virtually always positive in 2º syphilis; it is variable in 3º syphilis and is negative in half of neurosyphilis DiffDx–biological false positive–BFP Malaria–±90%, acute infection–10-30%, SLE–10-20%–classic cause of BFP VDRL, viral hepatitis–10%, infectious mononucleosis–20%, rheumatoid arthritis–5-10%, pneumococcal pneumonia, drug addiction, pregnancy, etc

VDRL test

(test) A flocculation test for syphilis, using cardiolipin-lecithin-cholesterol antigen as developed by the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory of the U.S. Public Health Service.

VDRL test

(test) A flocculation test for syphilis, developed by the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory of the U.S. Public Health Service.