Acronym | Definition |
VDT➣Vino da Tavola (Italian: Table Wine) |
VDT➣Visual Display Terminal |
VDT➣Video Display Terminal |
VDT➣Vin de Table (French: Table Wine; wine standard) |
VDT➣Virtual Data Toolkit |
VDT➣Valdosta Daily Times |
VDT➣Variable Delay Timing |
VDT➣Virtual Desktop Toolbox |
VDT➣Volume Definition Table |
VDT➣Virtual Design Team |
VDT➣Vorsprung Durch Technik (German: Advantage through Technology; Audi) |
VDT➣Verband Deutscher Tonmeister (German: Association of German Sound Engineers; audio industry group) |
VDT➣Video Dial Tone |
VDT➣View, Download and Transmit (electronic health records) |
VDT➣Video Display Tube |
VDT➣Vehicle Damage Tracking |
VDT➣Village Development Trust (Papua New Guinea) |
VDT➣Valuable Drinking Time |
VDT➣Virginia Department of Taxation |
VDT➣Variable Dwell Time |
VDT➣Vehicle Dynamics Technology (Bitgear) |
VDT➣Vehicle Data Table (software) |
VDT➣Vital Data Technology (California) |
VDT➣Volume Doubling Time (oncology) |
VDT➣Visual Disk Test (open source software) |
VDT➣Vegetation Direct Transfer |
VDT➣Variable Density Tunnel |
VDT➣Video Data Terminal |
VDT➣Variable Discharge Turbine |
VDT➣Vertical Deceleration Tower |
VDT➣Value Driver Tree (SAP) |
VDT➣Vehicle Data Terminal (mobile) |
VDT➣Variable Depth Transducer |
VDT➣Voluntary Down Time |
VDT➣Van der Merwe du Toit (South African legal firm) |
VDT➣Vascular Dilatation and Tortuosity |
VDT➣Variable Data Table |
VDT➣Venezuelan Death Touch (gaming) |