(from Latin vicinus, neighbor), the main category of feudally dependent peasants in medieval Moldavia. Vechins were first mentioned in Moldavian documents of 1519. They were subject to corvée, paid quitrent to the landowners, and also bore obligations to the state. Feudal lords had the right to buy and sell vechins only along with their allotments. In the middle of the 17th century, vechins were deprived altogether of the right to move from one feudal lord to another. By the Code of K. Mavrokordatos of 1749, the category of vechins was abolished, and they were incorporated into the ranks of the tsarans (peasants).
Grekul, F. A. Agrarnye otnosheniia v Moldavii v XVI-pervoi polovine XVII v. Kishinev, 1961. Pages 286-307.Istoriia Moldavskoi SSR, 2nd ed., vol. 1. Kishinev, 1965.