Togo National Liberation Day
Togo National Liberation Day
To celebrate National Liberation Day, the Togo military joins with civilian bands to mount several colorful parades down the Boulevard du Mono in the city of LomÉ. Dissident groups have long opposed the celebrations, noting that January 13, 1963, saw the assassination of the nation's first president, Sylvanus Olympio. Because of the conflicting events that have happened on the same day in Togo history, President GnassingbÉ in 2005 took a step toward appeasing his critics by publicly calling Sylvanus Olympio the true father of Togo's independence. In 2008, he called for an end to the public celebrations on National Liberation Day. The army would celebrate the day quietly on their own military bases, while the civilian population was urged to pray for national reconciliation.
Embassy of the Republic of Togo in the USA
2208 Massachusetts Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008