uninterrupted suture

con·tin·u·ous su·ture

an uninterrupted series of stitches using one suture; the stitching is fastened at each end by a knot. Synonym(s): spiral suture, uninterrupted suture

uninterrupted suture

(ŭn′ĭn-tə-rŭp′tĭd)n. See continuous suture.

con·tin·u·ous su·ture

(kŏn-tin'yū-ŭs sū'chŭr) An uninterrupted series of stitches using one suture; the stitching is fastened at each end by a knot.
Synonym(s): uninterrupted suture.

con·tin·u·ous su·ture

(kŏn-tin'yū-ŭs sū'chŭr) An uninterrupted series of stitches using one suture; the stitching is fastened at each end by a knot.
Synonym(s): uninterrupted suture.