

单词 voice



Voice, also known as diathesis, is a grammatical feature that describes the relationship between the verb and the subject (also known as the agent) in a sentence. More specifically, voice describes how the verb is expressed or written in relation to the agent.There are two main types of voice: active voice and passive voice. A third type of voice called “middle” voice also exists but is less commonly used.
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V0136800 (vois)n.1. a. The sound produced by the vocal organs of a vertebrate, especially a human.b. The ability to produce such sounds: He has laryngitis and has lost his voice.c. The mind as it produces verbal thoughts: listening to the voice within.2. A specified quality, condition, or pitch of vocal sound: a hoarse voice; the announcer's booming voice.3. Linguistics Expiration of air through vibrating vocal cords, used in the production of vowels and voiced consonants.4. A sound resembling or reminiscent of vocal utterance: the murmuring voice of the forest.5. Music a. Musical sound produced by vibration of the human vocal cords and resonated within the throat and head cavities.b. The quality or condition of a person's singing: a baritone in excellent voice.c. A singer: a choir of excellent voices.d. One of the individual vocal or instrumental parts or strands in a composition: a fugue for four voices; string voices carrying the melody. Also called voice part.6. a. Expression; utterance: gave voice to their feelings at the meeting.b. A medium or agency of expression: a newsletter that serves as a neighborhood voice.c. The right or opportunity to express a choice or opinion: a territory that has a voice, but not a vote, in Congress.7. Grammar A property of verbs or a set of verb inflections indicating the relation between the subject and the action expressed by the verb: "Birds build nests" uses the active voice; "nests built by birds" uses the passive voice. Also called diathesis.8. The distinctive style or manner of expression of an author or of a character in a book.tr.v. voiced, voic·ing, voic·es 1. To give expression to; utter: voice a grievance.2. Linguistics To pronounce with vibration of the vocal cords.3. Music a. To provide (a composition) with voice parts.b. To regulate the tone of (the pipes of an organ, for example).4. To provide the voice for (a cartoon character or show, for example): The animated series was voiced by famous actors.Idioms: at the top of (one's) voice As loudly as one's voice will allow. with one voice In complete agreement; unanimously.
[Middle English, from Old French vois, from Latin vōx, vōc-; see wekw- in Indo-European roots.]Synonyms: voice, express, air, vent1
These verbs mean to give outlet to thoughts or emotions. Voice denotes the verbal expression of an outlook or viewpoint: The lawyer voiced her satisfaction with the verdict. Express, a more comprehensive term, refers to both verbal and nonverbal communication: found the precise words to express her idea; expressed his affection with a hug. To air is to make one's feelings, beliefs, or ideas known to others: They aired their differences during dinner. To vent is to unburden oneself of a strong pent-up emotion: The candidate vented her frustrations over her opponent's unfair attacks.


(vɔɪs) n1. (Physiology) the sound made by the vibration of the vocal cords, esp when modified by the resonant effect of the tongue and mouth. See also speech2. the natural and distinctive tone of the speech sounds characteristic of a particular person: nobody could mistake his voice. 3. the condition, quality, effectiveness, or tone of such sounds: a hysterical voice. 4. (Music, other) the musical sound of a singing voice, with respect to its quality or tone: she has a lovely voice. 5. (Music, other) the ability to speak, sing, etc: he has lost his voice. 6. a sound resembling or suggestive of vocal utterance: the voice of the sea; the voice of hard experience. 7. written or spoken expression, as of feeling, opinion, etc (esp in the phrase give voice to)8. a stated choice, wish, or opinion or the power or right to have an opinion heard and considered: to give someone a voice in a decision. 9. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a distinctive style of writing: she writes with an unsentimental voice. 10. an agency through which is communicated another's purpose, policy, etc: such groups are the voice of our enemies. 11. (Music, other) music a. musical notes produced by vibrations of the vocal cords at various frequencies and in certain registers: a tenor voice. b. (in harmony) an independent melodic line or part: a fugue in five voices. 12. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics the sound characterizing the articulation of several speech sounds, including all vowels or sonants, that is produced when the vocal cords make loose contact with each other and are set in vibration by the breath as it forces its way through the glottis13. (Grammar) grammar a category of the verb or verbal inflections that expresses whether the relation between the subject and the verb is that of agent and action, action and recipient, or some other relation. See active5, passive5, middle514. obsolete rumour15. (foll by of) obsolete fame; renown16. (Music, other) in voice in a condition to sing or speak well17. (Music, other) out of voice with the voice temporarily in a poor condition, esp for singing18. with one voice unanimouslyvb (tr) 19. to utter in words; give expression to: to voice a complaint. 20. (Phonetics & Phonology) to articulate (a speech sound) with voice21. (Music, other) music to adjust (a wind instrument or organ pipe) so that it conforms to the correct standards of tone colour, pitch, etc22. (Film) to provide the voice for (a puppet or cartoon character) in an animated film[C13: from Old French voiz, from Latin vōx] ˈvoicer n



n., v. voiced, voic•ing. n. 1. the sound or sounds uttered through the mouth of living creatures, esp. of human beings in speaking, singing, etc. 2. the faculty or power of uttering sounds through the mouth by the controlled expulsion of air; speech: to lose one's voice. 3. such sounds as distinctive to an individual. 4. such sounds with reference to their character or quality. 5. the condition or effectiveness of the voice for speaking or singing: to be in poor voice. 6. a sound likened to or resembling vocal utterance. 7. something likened to speech as conveying impressions to the mind: the voice of one's conscience. 8. expression in words or by other means: to give voice to one's disapproval. 9. the right to present and receive consideration of one's desires or opinions: to have a voice in company policy. 10. an expressed opinion, choice, will, or desire: the voice of the people. 11. a person or other agency through which something is expressed or revealed: the voice of doom. 12. a person or other agency through which the views of another person or a group are expressed: the voice of the opposition. 13. a singer: He is one of the great voices in opera. 14. a melodic part in a musical composition: a fugue with three voices. 15. the audible result produced by vibration of the vocal cords as air is expelled from the lungs. 16. a category or set of categories of the verb used to indicate the relation of the subject to the verb as performer, undergoer, or beneficiary of its action, and indicated by verbal inflection or by syntactic devices: the active voice; the passive voice. 17. the finer regulation, as of intensity and color, in tuning, esp. of a piano or organ. v.t. 18. to give utterance or expression to; declare; proclaim. 19. to regulate the tone of, as the pipes of an organ. 20. to utter with the voice. 21. to pronounce with vibration of the vocal cords. Idioms: with one voice, in accord; unanimously. [1250–1300; Middle English (n.) < Anglo-French voiz, voice (Old French voiz, vois) < Latin vōcem, acc. of vōx; akin to vocāre to call, Greek óps voice, épos word (see epic), Skt vakti (he) speaks] voic′er, n.




  1. (Voice … ) artificial, like paper flowers or the cheapest kind of greasepaint —Heinrich Boll


  2. Bitterness had come through into her voice, buzzing like a wasp —Ross Macdonald
  3. A cold voice … like a big freezer that whines slowly and precisely —Ariel Dorfman
  4. A deep quiet voice like wrapped thunder —Loren D. Estleman
  5. A disagreeable voice like the grating of broken glass —Aharon Megged
  6. A frank, vaguely rural voice more or less like a used car salesman —Richard Ford
  7. A frosty sparkle in his voice that presupposed opposition —like the feint of a boxer getting ready —Willa Cather
  8. A grand rolling voice, like the sound of an underground train in the distance —Frank Swinnerton
  9. Her tone clicked like pennies —Ross Macdonald
  10. Her voice bristled like a black cat’s fur —John Updike
  11. Her voice burst from her like a bubble of blood from her mouth —Marge Piercy
  12. Her voice was like the mirrored wind chimes in a lost lake house of long ago —John MacDonald
  13. Her voice was rich and dark like good brandy, yet somehow lively too, like the very best champagne —George Garrett
  14. High chirpy voice like a cricket —Marge Piercy
  15. His voice was somehow familiar, yet … it had a quality that made it unrecognizable, like one’s own dress worn by someone else —L. P. Hartley
  16. (Skinner was ready to melt with sweetness;) his tone sounded like Romeo in the balcony scene —Rex Stout
  17. His voice rumbled like a bumblebee in a dry gourd —Nelson Algren
  18. In old age her voice had become thin as a bird’s —Pauline Smith
  19. His voice tremored defiantly, like that of a man presenting doubtful credentials at a bank —Hortense Calisher
  20. It [her voice] sprang from her mouth like water from a spring —Guy De Maupassant
  21. Loud enthusiastic voices like the Amens said in country churches —Flannery O’Connor
  22. A loud, hurrying voice, like the bell of a steamboat —Henry James
  23. Muffled voices sobbed like foghorns —Kay Boyle
  24. Official-sounding, something like a radio announcer —Bobbie Ann Mason
  25. Raised his voice like an auctioneer’s —Truman Capote
  26. Talked like she had a Jew’s harp struck in her throat —Will Weaver
  27. A terrible edge to her voice like a line of force holding back a flood —R. Wright Campbell
  28. Urgent tone, like a buzzer —Daphne Merkin
  29. Voice … like a ship lost at sea —Mike Fredman
  30. Voice … whining and self-pitying, like some teenage-tragedy song —Bobbie Ann Mason
  31. Voice and lecturing style … like a chilled aperitif: enticing you to the main course —Robert Goddard
  32. Voice as confidential as that of a family doctor —Donald MacKenzie
  33. Voice as freshly perked as morning coffee —Patricia Leigh Brown, New York Times, June 12, 1986
  34. Voice as intimate as the rustle of sheets —Dorothy Parker
  35. Voice as lonely as the stars —Justin Scott
  36. A voice as warm and tender as a wound —Julian Symons
  37. Voice … blunt as a blow —Ben Ames Williams
  38. Voice … both jarring and vulnerable: like a bloodshot eye —Tom Robbins
  39. Voice burst up and broke like boiling water —Cynthia Ozick
  40. Voice clear as a bell, yet slithery with innuendo, it leaped like a deer, slipped like a snake —Norman Mailer
  41. Voice … clear-pitched like an actor’s —Christopher Isherwood
  42. Voice … clenched like a fist —Borden Deal
  43. Voice … controlled, chilly, beautiful, like a hillside spring on an August afternoon —F. van Wyck Mason
  44. Voice … flavored with a stout sweetness as though her words were sopped in rich, old wine —Jean Stafford
  45. Voice … high and clear as running water over a settled stream bed —Sherley Anne Williams
  46. Voice … jaggedly precise … as if every word emitted a quick white thread of great purity, like hard silk, which she was then obliged to bite clearly off —Cynthia Ozick
  47. A voice light and soaring, like a lark’s —Joseph Conrad
  48. A voice like a bird —Marge Piercy
  49. Voice … like a dull whip —Ayn Rand
  50. Voice like a gurgling water pipe —Hugh Walpole
  51. Voice like an iron bell —Peter Meinke
  52. Voice like a parrot’s scream —Robert Campbell
  53. Voice … like a wind chime rattling —Louise Erdrich
  54. A voice like blowing down an empty straw —Helen Hudson
  55. Voice like butter when he wanted something from you and poison if you got in the way (of story character’s 15% commission) —Victor Canning
  56. Voice … like gravel spread with honey —Jay Mclnerney
  57. Voice like ice —Raymond Chandler
  58. Voice … like saw grass when the edges duel in the wind blowing over swampland —Lael Tucker Wertenbaker
  59. (Ask weakly. His) voice like that of a child being squeezed in wrestling and asking for mercy —John Updike
  60. Voice … like that of a helpless orphan —Ignazio Silone
  61. Voice … like the tolling of a funeral bell —Paule Marshall
  62. A voice like the stuff they use to line summer clouds with —Raymond Chandler
  63. Voice … like the uncanny, unhuman gibber of new wine fermenting in a vat —W. Somerset Maugham
  64. Voice … like thin ice breaking —James Thurber
  65. Voice … opulent and vast like an actor’s —Arthur A. Cohen
  66. A voice queerly pitched, like a parrot’s —Mary McCarthy
  67. A voice rich as chocolate —David Tuller, New York Times, August 24, 1986
  68. Voice roaring like the inside of a shell —Susan Neville
  69. Voice … rough-smooth, like velvet dragged over fine sandpaper —Loren D. Estleman
  70. (Our dried) voices (when we whisper together) are quiet and meaningless as wind in dry grass —T. S. Eliot
  71. Voices [of ball field vendors] like crows crowing —W. P. Kinsella
  72. Voices like gongs reverberate in the mind —C. S. Lewis
  73. Voices [of children] … like the fluttering of wings —Anon
  74. Voices like uniforms, tinny, meaningless … voices that they brandish like weapons —Jean Rhys
  75. Voice … smooth as cheesecake, sweet and proper —Patricia Henley
  76. Voice smooth as whipping cream —Harvey Swados
  77. Voice … so low it sounded like a roll of thunder —Maya Angelou
  78. (He had spoken with taut control, and his) voice sounding like the steady firmness of a cello muted in the minor mode —Arthur A. Cohen
  79. Voices … went mad, like a chorus of frogs on a spring evening —D. H. Lawrence
  80. A voice that boomed and echoed, like a man standing under a bridge, ankle-deep in rushing water —Paige Mitchell
  81. Voice thin and distinct as a distant owl’s call —John Updike
  82. Voice … very sweetly piercing, like the sight of the moon in winter —Angela Carter
  83. A warm voice … quivering like corn in a light summer wind —Aharon Megged
  84. Worry remained suspended in her voice like a fly in amber —Jonathan Kellerman


Past participle: voiced
Gerund: voicing
I voice
you voice
he/she/it voices
we voice
you voice
they voice
I voiced
you voiced
he/she/it voiced
we voiced
you voiced
they voiced
Present Continuous
I am voicing
you are voicing
he/she/it is voicing
we are voicing
you are voicing
they are voicing
Present Perfect
I have voiced
you have voiced
he/she/it has voiced
we have voiced
you have voiced
they have voiced
Past Continuous
I was voicing
you were voicing
he/she/it was voicing
we were voicing
you were voicing
they were voicing
Past Perfect
I had voiced
you had voiced
he/she/it had voiced
we had voiced
you had voiced
they had voiced
I will voice
you will voice
he/she/it will voice
we will voice
you will voice
they will voice
Future Perfect
I will have voiced
you will have voiced
he/she/it will have voiced
we will have voiced
you will have voiced
they will have voiced
Future Continuous
I will be voicing
you will be voicing
he/she/it will be voicing
we will be voicing
you will be voicing
they will be voicing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been voicing
you have been voicing
he/she/it has been voicing
we have been voicing
you have been voicing
they have been voicing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been voicing
you will have been voicing
he/she/it will have been voicing
we will have been voicing
you will have been voicing
they will have been voicing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been voicing
you had been voicing
he/she/it had been voicing
we had been voicing
you had been voicing
they had been voicing
I would voice
you would voice
he/she/it would voice
we would voice
you would voice
they would voice
Past Conditional
I would have voiced
you would have voiced
he/she/it would have voiced
we would have voiced
you would have voiced
they would have voiced
Noun1.voice - the distinctive quality or pitch or condition of a person's speechvoice - the distinctive quality or pitch or condition of a person's speech; "A shrill voice sounded behind us"sound - the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause; "the sound of rain on the roof"; "the beautiful sound of music"androglossia - a woman's voice with male qualities
2.voice - the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract; "a singer takes good care of his voice"; "the giraffe cannot make any vocalizations"phonation, vocalisation, vocalization, vox, vocalismcommunication - something that is communicated by or to or between people or groupssinging voice - the musical quality of the voice while singingsprechgesang, sprechstimme - a style of dramatic vocalization between singing and speakingvoice over - the voice on an unseen commentator in a film of television program
3.voice - a sound suggestive of a vocal utterance; "the noisy voice of the waterfall"; "the incessant voices of the artillery"sound - the sudden occurrence of an audible event; "the sound awakened them"
4.voice - expressing in coherent verbal formvoice - expressing in coherent verbal form; "the articulation of my feelings"; "I gave voice to my feelings"articulationverbal expression, verbalism, expression - the communication (in speech or writing) of your beliefs or opinions; "expressions of good will"; "he helped me find verbal expression for my ideas"; "the idea was immediate but the verbalism took hours"
5.voice - a means or agency by which something is expressed or communicated; "the voice of the law"; "the Times is not the voice of New York"; "conservatism has many voices"means, way, agency - how a result is obtained or an end is achieved; "a means of control"; "an example is the best agency of instruction"; "the true way to success"
6.voice - something suggestive of speech in being a medium of expression; "the wee small voice of conscience"; "the voice of experience"; "he said his voices told him to do it"communication - something that is communicated by or to or between people or groups
7.voice - (metonymy) a singervoice - (metonymy) a singer; "he wanted to hear trained voices sing it"metonymy - substituting the name of an attribute or feature for the name of the thing itself (as in `they counted heads')singer, vocalist, vocalizer, vocaliser - a person who sings
8.voice - an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose; "the meeting was attended by spokespersons for all the major organs of government"spokesperson, representative, interpreteradvocate, advocator, exponent, proponent - a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an ideaambassador - an informal representative; "an ambassador of good will"flack, flack catcher, flak, flak catcher - a slick spokesperson who can turn any criticism to the advantage of their employermouthpiece, mouth - a spokesperson (as a lawyer)spokesman - a male spokespersonspokeswoman - a female spokespersonbagman, commercial traveler, commercial traveller, roadman, traveling salesman, travelling salesman - a salesman who travels to call on customers
9.voice - the ability to speak; "he lost his voice"physical ability - the ability to perform some physical act; contrasting with mental abilitylung-power - the ability to speak loudly
10.voice - (linguistics) the grammatical relation (active or passive) of the grammatical subject of a verb to the action that the verb denoteslinguistics - the scientific study of languagegrammatical relation - a linguistic relation established by grammaractive voice, active - the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb; "`The boy threw the ball' uses the active voice"passive, passive voice - the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient (not the source) of the action denoted by the verb; "`The ball was thrown by the boy' uses the passive voice"; "`The ball was thrown' is an abbreviated passive"
11.voice - the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music; "he tried to sing the tenor part"partmelodic line, melodic phrase, melody, tune, strain, air, line - a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence; "she was humming an air from Beethoven"primo - the principal part of a duet (especially a piano duet)secondo - the second or lower part of a duet (especially a piano duet)voice part - a part written for a singermusical accompaniment, accompaniment, backup, support - a musical part (vocal or instrumental) that supports or provides background for other musical partsbass part, bass - the lowest part in polyphonic music
Verb1.voice - give voice to; "He voiced his concern"give tongue to, utter, express, verbalise, verbalize - articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise; "She expressed her anger"; "He uttered a curse"
2.voice - utter with vibrating vocal chordsvoice - utter with vibrating vocal chords vocalize, vocalise, soundenounce, enunciate, pronounce, sound out, articulate, say - speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way; "She pronounces French words in a funny way"; "I cannot say `zip wire'"; "Can the child sound out this complicated word?"chirk - make a shrill creaking, squeaking, or noise, as of a door, mouse, or birdquaver, waver - give off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequencydevoice - utter with tense vocal chords


noun1. tone, sound, language, articulation, power of speech Miriam's voice was strangely calm.2. utterance, expression, words, airing, vocalization, verbalization The crowd gave voice to their anger.3. opinion, will, feeling, wish, desire the voice of the opposition4. say, part, view, decision, vote, comment, input Our employees have no voice in how our company is run.5. instrument, medium, spokesman or spokeswoman, agency, channel, vehicle, organ, spokesperson, intermediary, mouthpiece He claims to be the voice of the people.verb1. express, say, declare, air, raise, table, reveal, mention, mouth, assert, pronounce, utter, articulate, come out with (informal), divulge, ventilate, enunciate, put into words, vocalize, give expression or utterance to Scientists have voiced concern that the disease could be passed to humans.Related words
adjective vocal


noun1. A person who sings:singer, songster, songstress, vocalist.2. The act or an instance of expressing in words:articulation, expression, statement, utterance, verbalization, vocalization.3. The right or chance to express an opinion or participate in a decision:say, suffrage, vote.Informal: say-so.verbTo put into words:articulate, communicate, convey, declare, express, say, state, talk, tell, utter, vent, verbalize, vocalize.Idiom: give tongue to.


(vois) noun1. the sounds from the mouth made in speaking or singing. He has a very deep voice; He spoke in a quiet/loud/angry/kind voice. 嗓音, 聲音 嗓音,声音 2. the voice regarded as the means of expressing opinion. The voice of the people should not be ignored; the voice of reason/conscience. 意見 意见 verb1. to express (feelings etc). He voiced the discontent of the whole group. 表達(感覺等) 表达2. to produce the sound of (especially a consonant) with a vibration of the vocal cords as well as with the breath. `Th' should be voiced in `this' but not in `think'. 發音 发音(或发声) voiced adjective (negative unvoiced). 有聲的 有声的ˈvoiceless adjective 無聲的 无声的voice mail noun a system that stores telephone messages for subscribers to this service. 語音郵件 语音邮件be in good voice to have one's voice in good condition for singing or speaking. The choir was in good voice tonight. 嗓子情況良好 嗓子很好lose one's voice to be unable to speak eg because of having a cold, sore throat etc. When I had 'flu I lost my voice for three days. 嗓子啞了 嗓子哑了raise one's voice to speak more loudly than normal especially in anger. I don't want to have to raise my voice to you again. 提高嗓門 提高嗓门




*voice (in something)

 and *say (in something)Fig. a part in making a decision. (*Typically: get ~; have ~;give someone ~.) I'd like to have a voice in choosing the carpet. John wanted to have a say in the issue also. He says he seldom gets a say.
  • (it's) good to hear your voice
  • (lone) voice in the wilderness
  • a good voice to beg bacon
  • a voice crying in the wilderness
  • a voice in the wilderness
  • at the top of (one's) voice
  • at the top of one's lungs
  • at the top of voice
  • at the top of your voice
  • be in good voice
  • be in good, poor, etc. voice
  • be in poor voice
  • find (one's) tongue
  • find (one's) voice
  • find your voice/tongue
  • get a voice (in something)
  • give voice to
  • give voice to (something)
  • give voice to something
  • good to hear your voice
  • have a say in
  • have a voice (in something)
  • keep (one's) voice down
  • keep your voice down
  • like the sound of (one's) own voice
  • like, love, etc. the sound of your own voice
  • love the sound of (one's) own voice
  • lower (one's) voice
  • lower voice
  • make (one's) voice heard
  • make your voice heard
  • raise (one's) voice
  • raise a/(one's) voice against (someone or something)
  • raise a/your voice against somebody/something
  • raise one's voice
  • raise voice
  • raise voice against
  • raise your voice
  • speak with one voice
  • still small voice
  • still small voice, a
  • talk to hear (the sound of) (one's) own voice
  • talk to hear one’s own voice
  • talk to hear own voice
  • the still small voice
  • the still, small voice
  • throw one’s voice
  • throw voice
  • voice
  • voice crying in the wilderness
  • voice in his boots
  • with one voice



Voice, also known as diathesis, is a grammatical feature that describes the relationship between the verb and the subject (also known as the agent) in a sentence. More specifically, voice describes how the verb is expressed or written in relation to the agent.There are two main types of voice: active voice and passive voice. A third type of voice called “middle” voice also exists but is less commonly used.
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grammatical category according to which an action is referred to as done by the subject (active, e.g., men shoot bears) or to the subject (passive, e.g., bears are shot by men). In Latin, voice is a category of inflectioninflection,
in grammar. In many languages, words or parts of words are arranged in formally similar sets consisting of a root, or base, and various affixes. Thus walking, walks, walker have in common the root walk and the affixes -ing, -s, and -er.
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 like mood or tense. In ancient Greek, verbs were conjugated in three voices: active, passive, and middle (reflexive).


sound produced by living beings. The source of the sound in human speaking and singing is the vibration of the vocal cords, which are inside the larynxlarynx
, organ of voice in mammals. Commonly known as the voice box, the larynx is a tubular chamber about 2 in. (5 cm) high, consisting of walls of cartilage bound by ligaments and membranes, and moved by muscles. The human larynx extends from the trachea, or windpipe.
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, and the production of the sounds is called phonation. The vocal cords are set into vibration by air from the lungs that moves through the windpipe passing over them, and they in turn produce resonance in the column of air enclosed by the pharynx. The mouth and throat are variable in size and shape, thus permitting alteration of vowel sound and pitchpitch,
in music, the position of a tone in the musical scale, today designated by a letter name and determined by the frequency of vibration of the source of the tone. Pitch is an attribute of every musical tone; the fundamental, or first harmonic, of any tone is perceived as
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. At puberty the vocal cords of the male become approximately double their original length, with the result that the average adult male voice is about an octave lower in pitch than the female.

The Voice in Music

Not only is the voice the principal means of human communication, but it was undoubtedly the first musical instrument. The principal difference between singing and speaking is that in singing the vowel sounds are sustained and given definite pitch. Despite the innate and natural quality of singing, the training of the singing voice for artistic purposes is among the most subtle and difficult branches of music pedagogy. The instrument is within the performer, and the condition of the vocal apparatus, and thus the quality of the voice, is strictly dependent on the physical and mental condition of the singer. Since the vocal impulse cannot actually be described, the teacher's task is to provide the pupil with concepts, usually systematized into a vocal "method," that will free the vocal apparatus from restrictive tensions and lead ultimately to the complete coordination of all the faculties involved. The foundation of the scientific study of the voice was laid in the middle of the 19th cent. by Manuel Patricio Rodríguez García, a successful voice teacher and writer, who invented the laryngoscope (used to examine the interior of the larynx).

Because of the great changes that have taken place in the art of singing within Western musical culture, modern singers can only approximate the vocal timbre of previous eras. Gregorian chant may have been sung with a nasal timbre resembling Oriental technique. The Neapolitan operatic school developed the virtuoso art of bel canto, in which brilliance of vocal technique was stressed rather than romantic expression or dramatic interpretation. The sound of the castrato (see eunucheunuch
[Gr.,=keeper of the couch], castrated human male, particularly a chamberlain of a harem in Asia. The custom of employing eunuchs as servants in wealthy or royal households is very ancient; it reached its epitome at the court of Constantinople under the Byzantine emperors,
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), for which many 17th- and 18th-century soprano and alto roles were intended, is approached by several contemporary countertenorscountertenor,
a male singing voice in the alto range. Singing in this range requires either a special vocal technique called falsetto, or a high extension of the tenor range.
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 using falsettofalsetto
[Ital.,=diminutive of false], high-pitched, unnatural tones above the normal register of the male voice, produced, according to some theories, by the vibration of only the edges of the larynx. Some male altos are tenors skilled in the use of falsetto.
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 techniques. The electronic microphone has, in recent times, had an enormous impact on the voice and on styles of singing, through its ability to project very quiet, intimate sounds, and to magnify exciting sounds to a feverish intensity.

Singing voices are classified according to range as sopranosoprano
[Ital.,=above], female voice of highest pitch. The three basic types of solo soprano are coloratura, lyric, and dramatic. The coloratura has a great range and impressive vocal agility; the lyric soprano has a light, pretty voice; and the dramatic soprano has a sustained
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 and contralto, the high and low female voices, with mezzo-soprano as an intermediate classification; and as tenortenor,
highest natural male voice. In medieval polyphony, tenor was the name given to the voice that had the cantus firmus, a preexisting melody, often a fragment of plainsong, to which other voices in counterpoint were added.
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 and bassbass
, in musical harmony, the part of lowest pitch. The term is used for the lowest-pitched male voice and for instruments of low pitch, such as bass clarinet, bass drum, bassoon (bass oboe), and bass trombone.
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, the high and low male voices, with baritonebaritone
or barytone
, male voice, in a lighter and higher range than a bass but lower than a tenor. The term also designates a bass stringed instrument, fretted, with six or seven bowed strings, and up to 20 sympathetic (i.e., unplayed but freely vibrating) strings.
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 as an intermediate classification. Within these ranges there are specific designations of the quality of a voice, e.g., coloratura soprano. Choral music generally requires a range of about an octave and a half for each voice; a solo singer must have at least two octaves, and some have been known to possess ranges of three, even three and a half, octaves. See also songsong,
relatively brief, simple vocal composition, usually a setting of a poetic text, often strophic, for accompanied solo voice. The song literature of Western music embodies two broad classifications—folk song and art song.
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See D. Stevens, ed., A History of Song (1960); R. Luchsinger and G. E. Arnold, Voice, Speech, Language (1965); R. Rushmore, The Singing Voice (1971); S. Butenschon and H. Borchgrevink, Voice and Song (1982).



an aggregate of sounds varying in pitch, volume, and timbre produced by the vocal apparatus in man and in animals that have lungs. Reflexes of throat muscles (sneezing, coughing) produce vocal sounds. Man uses his voice to express his sensations, feelings, and thoughts (shouting, laughing, crying, conversational speech, and singing).

There are both muscular-elastic and neuromuscular theories of phonation, the production of sounds by the voice. According to the muscular-elastic theory, the closing of the vocal cords marks the beginning of the production of any sound. Then the intertracheal pressure increases until it exceeds the tension of the vocal cords, causing the intertracheal air to break out of the larynx. The vocal cords begin to vibrate, producing resonance in the column of air above the vocal cords as well. The frequency of vibration depends on the length and tension of the vocal cords, which is in turn dependent on the functional condition of the muscles of the larynx.

According to the neuromuscular theory, the number of vibrations of the vocal cords per second corresponds to the number of impulses from the central nervous system.

The voice pitch depends on the frequency of vibration of the vocal cords, which in turn is determined by their length, thickness, and tension. The voice’s volume is determined by the amplitude of the vocal cord vibrations, which varies as a function of the strength of the stream of air passing over the vocal cords. Timbre is determined by the presence of overtones, which are produced largely in the resonating parts of the vocal apparatus. It is often possible to distinguish individuals by differences in voice timbre.

The development of the voice proceeds gradually (although quantitative leaps in development do occur), parallel to the general maturation of the organism and the central nervous and endocrine systems. The voice of all newborns and infants has the same pitch (A above middle C) and the same timbre; the only variation is in volume. With age the range of sounds widens in pitch and volume, and the timbre, which usually does not change until old age, begins to form. In old age the range of sounds narrows in both pitch and volume. The most radical change in the voice occurs at puberty—voice “breaking” or mutation. This period occurs at age 11–12 to 18–19 and lasts from five or six months to up to two or three and even five years. In this period the larynx of boys increases more than 1½ times in size, while the larynx of girls increases by one-third. Because of the hyperemia of the vocal cords, adolescents often experience excessive tiring when using their voices as well as hoarseness without apparent cause during the period of voice mutation.

Disturbances of the voice occur as a result of pathological changes in any part of the vocal apparatus, but most often as a result of dysfunction of the larynx. Often change of the voice function afflicts those using their voices professionally (singers, teachers). Overtiring is a common cause of voice loss, especially among children and adolescents as a result of loud conversation or singing. Singing music with a high tessitura that exceeds the voice’s normal age limits can also cause voice change. Voice changes may also occur as a result of diseases of the cardiovascular or nervous systems, resulting in changes that vary from slight hoarseness to complete aphonia.


Fomichev, M. I. Osnovy foniatrii. [Leningrad] 1949.
Ermolaev, V. G. “Nekotorye voprosy foniatrii.” In Mnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po otorinolaringologii, vol. 4. Moscow, 1963.
Husson, R. Physiologie de la phonation. Paris, 1962. (Bibliography.)




the grammatical category of the verb that expresses different correlations of an action and its participants or different presentations of these relations in communication. For example, the reflexive voice expresses the identity of the subject and object of the action (on moetsia, “he washes [himself]” = on moet sebia, “he washes himself”); the reciprocal voice indicates that the participants of an action are simultaneously the subjects and objects (the Yukaghir fawyrek nangaindngi, “they began to shoot arrows at each other”).

The active and passive voices are differentiated according to which of the participants of the action serves as the main theme of the communication: the subject (active voice) or the object (passive voice). These voices are distinguished in languages in which the forms of the subject and the object in the sentence are differentiated (for example, by case or word order). If the verb is in the active voice, the subject is in the fundamental case, while the object is in an oblique case (Petia chitaet knigu, “Petia is reading the book”). In the passive voice there is the reverse correlation (kniga chitaet-sia Petei, “the book is being read by Petia”).

Some linguists consider as voice forms of a verb those in which the subject is not expressed (dorogu zaneslo, “the road was covered with snow”) or is in an oblique case (mne kazhetsia, “it seems to me”), as well as forms for which the object is not expressed (Gilyak n’i p’otf, “I am sewing, occupied with sewing”). In different languages the number of voice oppositions varies, and in a number of languages they are totally lacking. Formally, voice can be expressed by an affix (razbivaetsia, “is breaking”), by internal inflection (Arabic yuktabu, “is written”), or by auxiliary words (English was built}.


Kategoriia zaloga: Materialy konferentsii [25-29 marta 1970]. Leningrad, 1970.


What does it mean when you dream about a voice?

A voice in a dream could be another part of ourselves trying to get our attention, either our unconscious or an aspect we have cut ourselves off from. A dream voice could also be drawing on the meaning of expressions like “a voice in the wilderness” or to “speak with one voice.”


1. the sound made by the vibration of the vocal cords, esp when modified by the resonant effect of the tongue and mouth 2. the musical sound of a singing voice, with respect to its quality or tone 3. the ability to speak, sing, etc. 4. Musica. musical notes produced by vibrations of the vocal cords at various frequencies and in certain registers b. (in harmony) an independent melodic line or part



 [vois] the sound produced by the speech organs and uttered by the mouth.


(voys), The sound made by vibration of the vocal folds caused by air passing out through the larynx and upper respiratory tract, the vocal folds being approximated. Synonym(s): vox [L. vox]


(vois)n.1. The sound made by air passing out through the larynx and upper respiratory tract and produced by the vibration of the vocal organs.2. The ability to produce such sounds.


Audiology A series of sounds generally under voluntary control which are produced by air passing out through the larynx and upper respiratory tract. See Professional voice, Vocal cords.


(voys) The sound made by air passing out through the larynx and upper respiratory tract, the vocal folds being approximated. [L. vox]


(voys) The sound made by air passing out through the larynx and upper respiratory tract, the vocal folds being approximated.


VOICEVoluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies (European NGO network; Brussels, Belgium)
VOICEValidating Osa in Industrial Cim Environments
VOICEVictims of Internet Crime Europe
VOICEVoice of Irish Concern for the Environment (Dublin, Ireland)
VOICEVietnamese Organization: Inspiring Cultural Engagement (St. Olaf College; Northfield, MN)
VOICEVoter Owned Iowa Clean Elections
VOICEVoices for Interactive Choice and Empowerment (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
VOICEVirginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement
VOICEValley Organized in Community Efforts
VOICEVietnamese Overseas Initiative for Conscience Empowerment (Washington, DC)
VOICEValidating OSA in Industrial CIM (Computer-Integrated Manufacturing) Environments
VOICEVoters Organization Involved in Children's Education
VOICEVoter's Organization Interested in Children's Education
VOICEVision, Organization, Integrity, Communication and Execution (leadership traits)


Related to voice: Google voice
  • all
  • noun
  • verb

Synonyms for voice

noun tone


  • tone
  • sound
  • language
  • articulation
  • power of speech

noun utterance


  • utterance
  • expression
  • words
  • airing
  • vocalization
  • verbalization

noun opinion


  • opinion
  • will
  • feeling
  • wish
  • desire

noun say


  • say
  • part
  • view
  • decision
  • vote
  • comment
  • input

noun instrument


  • instrument
  • medium
  • spokesman or spokeswoman
  • agency
  • channel
  • vehicle
  • organ
  • spokesperson
  • intermediary
  • mouthpiece

verb express


  • express
  • say
  • declare
  • air
  • raise
  • table
  • reveal
  • mention
  • mouth
  • assert
  • pronounce
  • utter
  • articulate
  • come out with
  • divulge
  • ventilate
  • enunciate
  • put into words
  • vocalize
  • give expression or utterance to

Synonyms for voice

noun a person who sings


  • singer
  • songster
  • songstress
  • vocalist

noun the act or an instance of expressing in words


  • articulation
  • expression
  • statement
  • utterance
  • verbalization
  • vocalization

noun the right or chance to express an opinion or participate in a decision


  • say
  • suffrage
  • vote
  • say-so

verb to put into words


  • articulate
  • communicate
  • convey
  • declare
  • express
  • say
  • state
  • talk
  • tell
  • utter
  • vent
  • verbalize
  • vocalize

Synonyms for voice

noun the distinctive quality or pitch or condition of a person's speech

Related Words

  • sound
  • androglossia

noun the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract


  • phonation
  • vocalisation
  • vocalization
  • vox
  • vocalism

Related Words

  • communication
  • singing voice
  • sprechgesang
  • sprechstimme
  • voice over

noun a sound suggestive of a vocal utterance

Related Words

  • sound

noun expressing in coherent verbal form


  • articulation

Related Words

  • verbal expression
  • verbalism
  • expression

noun a means or agency by which something is expressed or communicated

Related Words

  • means
  • way
  • agency

noun something suggestive of speech in being a medium of expression

Related Words

  • communication

noun (metonymy) a singer

Related Words

  • metonymy
  • singer
  • vocalist
  • vocalizer
  • vocaliser

noun an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose


  • spokesperson
  • representative
  • interpreter

Related Words

  • advocate
  • advocator
  • exponent
  • proponent
  • ambassador
  • flack
  • flack catcher
  • flak
  • flak catcher
  • mouthpiece
  • mouth
  • spokesman
  • spokeswoman
  • bagman
  • commercial traveler
  • commercial traveller
  • roadman
  • traveling salesman
  • travelling salesman

noun the ability to speak

Related Words

  • physical ability
  • lung-power

noun (linguistics) the grammatical relation (active or passive) of the grammatical subject of a verb to the action that the verb denotes

Related Words

  • linguistics
  • grammatical relation
  • active voice
  • active
  • passive
  • passive voice

noun the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music


  • part

Related Words

  • melodic line
  • melodic phrase
  • melody
  • tune
  • strain
  • air
  • line
  • primo
  • secondo
  • voice part
  • musical accompaniment
  • accompaniment
  • backup
  • support
  • bass part
  • bass

verb give voice to

Related Words

  • give tongue to
  • utter
  • express
  • verbalise
  • verbalize

verb utter with vibrating vocal chords


  • vocalize
  • vocalise
  • sound

Related Words

  • enounce
  • enunciate
  • pronounce
  • sound out
  • articulate
  • say
  • chirk
  • quaver
  • waver


  • devoice




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