

单词 pv



abbr.1. photovoltaic2. polyvinyl
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(1) A state of heightened awareness, monitoring and reporting of potentially adverse pharmacologic events.
(2) The branch of pharmacology focused on detecting, assessing, understanding and preventing long- and short-term adverse effects of medicines.


1. Pemphigus vulgaris.2. Peripheral vascular/vein/vessel.3. Plasma volume.4. Polio vaccine.5. Poliovirus.6. Polycythemia vera, see there.7. Portal vein.8. Polyoma virus.9. Postvoiding.10. Proteus vulgaris.11. Pulmonary vein.



See:Present value

Present Value

The worth of a future amount of money at specific point in time. If one expects an investment to result in a cash flow at a certain time in the future, calculating the cash flow's present value will help the investor decide whether the investment results in a real profit. Calculating the present value assumes that the investor knows both the future amount and the applicable interest rate or rate of return. One discounts the interest rate or rate of return from the future amount in order to arrive at the present value. Mathematically, this is expressed as:

Ct = C(1 + i)-t where C is money, t is a number of years, and i is the interest rate or rate of return.

Present value of money is important in calculating bond yields, the value of annuities, and many other transactions. It is also used in comparing the value of two amounts of money existing in different times. See also: Adjusted for inflation.


See present value.


PVPresent Value
PVPhysical Volume (IBM AIX)
PVPrescott Valley (Arizona)
PVPuerto Vallarta
PVPleasant Valley
PVPole Vault
PVParadise Valley (Arizona)
PVPromotional Video (usually music video)
PVProcess Variable
PVPresta Valve (bicycles)
PVPoliovirus (human enterovirus)
PVProcès Verbal (French: Official Report, or Fine)
PVPalos Verdes (California)
PVPage View (website statistic)
PVPersonal Vaporizer (E-cigarette)
PVPlanned Value
PVPartido Verde (Green Party - Brazil)
PVPolycythemia Vera (blood disease)
PVPaís Valencià
PVParameter Value
PVPharmacovigilance (UK)
PVParticipatory Video (film project)
PVPeso Vivo (Spanish: live weight)
PVPura Vida (Costa Rica)
PVPlastic Viscosity
PVPacket Video
PVPathovar (bacterial strain)
PVPavia, Lombardia (Italian province)
PVPressure/Vacuum (valves for regulating gas and vapours on tankers)
PVPerformance Verification
PVPemphigus vulgaris
PVPrice Volume
PVPotential Vorticity
PVPressure Valve
PVPneumatic Valve
PVPointer Value (programming)
PVPahrump Valley (California-Nevada)
PVPore Volume (oil and gas)
PVPanasonic Vietnam Co., Ltd.
PVPanel View
PVPosition Velocity (physics)
PVPreviously Viewed (rental videos/DVDs now for sale)
PVPersonal Vehicle
PVPrime Vendor
PVPleasantview (Neighborhood in the Sims 2 computer game)
PVProduct Verification
PVPassive Voice
PVPeak Velocity
PVPrince Valiant (comic strip)
PVPatient Visits
PVPositive Vetting (security clearance; various locations)
PVPaul Verhoeven (film director)
PVProtean Void (webcomic publisher)
PVPlasma Viscosity
PVParole Violation (criminal law)
PVProcess Verification
PVProyecto Venezuela (Venezuela Project)
PVPerformance Validation
PVProtocol Violation
PVPossible Violation
PVProduction Validation
PVPartido Victoria (Guatemalan political party)
PVProtection Visa (Australia)
PVPrivate Varnish (magazine)
PVProject Verification
PVPer Vaginal (examination of a patient)
PVPreservation and Value
PVPublic Voucher
PVPersonvagn (Swedish: person vehicle)
PVPath Verification
PVPauli-Villars (regularization)
PVProtected Village (Zimbabwe; civil war designation)
PVPoids Vide (French: unladen weight)
PVPuddu Varano
PVPermanent View (concrete finish requirements)
PVPressure Variance
PVPizza Village
PVPotential Viewer
PVPrograma Voluntários
PVPlatform Vulnerability
PVPigment Vehicle (Canadian band)
PVPrivileged Visitor
PVPyrotechnic Valve (or Pyrovalve)
PVPerfect Vision (Productions) Inc. (private Canadian information-based corporation)
PVPoranichnye Voiska (Russian: border troops)
PVPrimärvereinigung (German: Primary; children's organization in the Mormon Church; aka Sunday meeting which children attend)
PVPowassan encephalitis virus




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