

单词 pvi



(organic chemistry) polyvinyl isobutyl ether
FinancialSeePositive Volume Index


PVIPrairie View Industries (Fairbury, Nebraska)
PVIPulmonary Vein Isolation
PVIPilot-Vehicle Interface
PVIPrivate, Voluntary and Independent (sector)
PVIPennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
PVIPeripheral Vascular Intervention
PVIPositive Volume Index
PVIPoint of Vertical Intersection
PVIPrimary Vehicle Identifier (General Motors)
PVIPower Vehicle Innovation (French bus and truck manufacturer)
PVIPresent Value Index
PVIPleasant Valley Intermediate School (Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania)
PVIPressure Vessel Inspection
PVIPre-Vulcanization Inhibitor
PVIPacific Vocational Institute (Canada)
PVIPeripheral Venous Insufficiency
PVIPartisan Voting Index (also seen as the Cook Partisan Voting Index, CPVI)
PVIProtected Vehicles, Inc (Summerville, SC)
PVIPrinceton Video Image, Inc (Lawrenceville, NJ)
PVIProfound Visual Impairment
PVIPaul VI High School (Haddonfield, NJ)
PVIPenile Vaginal Intercourse
PVIPeak Value Intersection (urban planning)
PVIPostage Validation Imprinter
PVIPrivate Vocational Institution (Canada)
PVIPairwise Variability Index (measure of acoustic correlates of speech rhythm)
PVIPower Valves International (UK)
PVIPour Votre Information (French: For Your Information)
PVIPeso Vivo Inicial (Portugese)
PVIPetroVietnam Insurance Co.
PVIPhotovoltaic Isolator (electronics)
PVIPersonal Vocal Instruction (aka Private Vocal Instruction)
PVIPolyvinyl Isobutyl Ether
PVIPrivate Vocal Instruction (aka Personal Vocal Instruction)
PVIProduct Verification Inspection
PVIPragmatic Vision, Inc.
PVIPlatform Vendor Independent
PVIPersonal Value Inventory
PVIProduct Value Information
PVIPublicly Visible Identifier (University of Wisconsin Madison)
PVIPlatinum Vapour Injector/Injection
PVIPublic Vomiting Incident
PVIPrêts de Véhicules pour l'Aide à l'Insertion (French car loan association)
PVIProvinciaal Veiligheid Instituut (Dutch)
PVIPara Vuestra Información (Spanish: For Your Information)




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