reverse anorexia nervosa

reverse anorexia nervosa

(rē-vĕrs' an-ō-rek'sē-ă nĕr-vō'să), body image disorder with self-perception as underdeveloped and weak against the reality of appropriate or exaggerated muscular development.
A specific type of body dysmorphic disorder in which a person—usually male, average age 20—becomes obsessed with building muscle to the point where it impacts on his/her interactions with others, employment and his self-image. It is regarded as a treatment-resistant mental disorder, which typically occurs in bodybuilders who, while very muscular and physically fit, see a '97-pound weakling' in the mirror
Risk factors Bullying during primary, secondary school, family dysfunction, perfectionism, severe stress, aesthetic focus and negative influence of mass culture that promotes an idealised Arnold Schwarzenegger-type body
Management Antidepressants