Acronym | Definition |
PVS➣Persistent Vegetative State |
PVS➣Physical Verification System (software) |
PVS➣Patent- og Varemærkestyrelsen (Danish Patent and Trademark Office) |
PVS➣Prototype Verification System |
PVS➣Paesi in Via di Sviluppo (Emerging Countries) |
PVS➣Project Vote Smart |
PVS➣Physical Volumes |
PVS➣Persistency Values |
PVS➣Parallel Visualization Server |
PVS➣Primary Virtual Source |
PVS➣Proxied Volumes |
PVS➣Phantom Vibration Syndrome (cell phone sensation) |
PVS➣Polynesian Voyaging Society |
PVS➣Passport and Visa Service (various locations) |
PVS➣Personal Video Station (SnapStream) |
PVS➣Potato Virus S |
PVS➣Pine View School (Sarasota, Fl) |
PVS➣Potomac Valley Swimming (Washington, DC area) |
PVS➣Physicians for a Violence-free Society |
PVS➣Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis |
PVS➣Post-Viral Syndrome |
PVS➣Prime Vendor Support |
PVS➣Potential Visibility Set (computer graphics) |
PVS➣Pulmonary Valve Stenosis (cardiac disease) |
PVS➣Prisoner Visitation and Support (Philadelphia, PA) |
PVS➣Polyvinyl Siloxane |
PVS➣Plant Variety Rights Office and Seeds Division (UK) |
PVS➣Posture Validation Server (Cisco) |
PVS➣Ported Vacuum Switch |
PVS➣Pojoaque Valley Schools |
PVS➣Post-Vaccination Syndrome |
PVS➣Potential Visible Set |
PVS➣Portfolio Valuation Service (various locations) |
PVS➣Pecos Valley Southern Railway Company |
PVS➣Power Visualization System |
PVS➣Portal Venous System |
PVS➣Proof Verification System |
PVS➣Post-Vasectomy (pain) Syndrome |
PVS➣Pole Vault Summit |
PVS➣Passive Vision Sight (military night vision systems) |
PVS➣Pipelined Vector Supercomputer |
PVS➣Pittsburgh Vegetarian Society (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) |
PVS➣Potential Video Stream |
PVS➣Pediatric Vaccine Stockpile |
PVS➣Pressure Vessels and Systems |
PVS➣Periscope View Simulator |
PVS➣Propagation Validation System |