to hand

to hand

1. Immediately available or easily accessible. Do you have a pen to hand? I need to sign this form. A: "Would you happen to have a spare calculator?" B: "Not to hand, sorry. I can bring one from home for you tomorrow, though."2. On one's person; in one's physical possession. I always keep sanitizer to hand because I have to shake so many people's hands throughout the day. Passengers are advised that they must have their travel visas or work permits to hand before lining up for immigration and passport control.See also: hand

to hand

1. Also, at hand. Nearby, accessible, as in I don't have the right tools to hand but asked her to get them for me. [c. 1300] 2. Also, in hand. In one's possession, as in He had their letter to hand, or She had the money in hand. The first term dates from the mid-1700s, the second from about 1200. Also see hand to hand. See also: hand

(ready) to ˈhand

(have something) with or near you; easy to reach or get: I don’t seem to have my diary to hand at the moment — can I ring you back and make an appointment?Surgeons need their instruments ready to hand during an operation.See also: hand

to hand

1. Nearby.2. In one's possession.See also: hand