Vladimir Ivanovskii
Ivanovskii, Vladimir Nikolaevich
Born July 13 (25), 1867, in Vyshnii Volochek; died Jan. 4, 1939, in Leningrad. Russian philosopher, historian of philosophy and psychology. Close to the English positivists.
Ivanovskii was a privatdocent at Moscow University (1899–1903, 1914–17) and at the University of Kazan (1904–12), also serving as academic secretary of the journal Voprosy filosofii i psikhologii (Problems of Philosophy and Psychology). He was subsequently a professor at the University of Kazan (1917–19), professor and rector at the University of Samara (1919–21), and professor at the Byelorussian University (1921–27). He studied the history of associative psychology, criticizing from the standpoint of associationism the conception of activity of the mind and of apperception. He edited translations of J.S. Mill (The System of Logic) and W. Minto. After the October Revolution, Ivanovskii attempted to adopt Marxism (A Methodological Introduction to Science and Philosophy, vol. 1, 1923) and was active in the organization of Soviet higher education and the development of educational psychology.
Dvizhenie k rasprostraneniiu universitetskogo obrazovaniia v Rossii. Moscow, 1900.Vvedenie v filosofiiu, 2nd ed. , part 1. Kazan, 1909.
Assotsiatsionizm psikhologicheskii i gnoseologicheskii, part 1. Kazan, 1909.
K voprosu o genezise assotsiatsionizma. Kazan, 1910.
Krasnovskii, A.A. “Pamiati prof. Vladimira Nikolaevicha Ivanov-skogo.” Sovetskaia pedagogika, 1939, no. 3, pp. 158–59.A. V. PETROVSKII