big-time operator

big-time operator

A person, company, or organization that is very successful, prominent, and influential in some area of business. Once a small local farm run by Jefferies and his brothers, their berry business is now a big-time operator responsible for supplying the entire Pacific Northwest. These big-time operators have the funds to fight these civil lawsuits, but smaller companies like ours have little choice but to try and settle for an amount we can afford.See also: operator

big-time operator

and BTO1. n. someone who does business in a big way. (The abbreviation is an initialism.) If you’re such a BTO, why are we standing here in the rain? 2. n. a man who chases women. That twit thinks he’s a big-time operator. A stud he’s not. A big-time operator needs a big-time car! See also: operator


verbSee big-time operator