Acronym | Definition |
PWP➣Plot, What Plot? |
PWP➣Paradise Wildlife Park (UK) |
PWP➣Personal Word Processor (various companies) |
PWP➣Parents Without Partners |
PWP➣Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (UK) |
PWP➣Professional Write Plus |
PWP➣Personal Web Page |
PWP➣Pore Water Pressure |
PWP➣People With Parkinson's (disease) |
PWP➣Plant within a Plant (manufacturing) |
PWP➣Password Protected |
PWP➣Partnering with Parents (various organizations) |
PWP➣Pelamis Wave Power (formerly Ocean Power Delivery; Edinburgh, Scotland, UK; est. 1998) |
PWP➣Professional Women Photographers |
PWP➣Prevention with Positives (UCSF AIDS Research Institute) |
PWP➣Pulmonary Wedge Pressure |
PWP➣Personal Wellness Profile |
PWP➣Porn Without Plot (fanfiction and erotica) |
PWP➣Purchase with Purchase |
PWP➣Pregnant without Permission |
PWP➣Prayers for World Peace |
PWP➣Polskie Wydawnictwa Profesjonalne (Polish business publisher) |
PWP➣Philosophical Writings of Peirce (Charles Sanders Pierce) |
PWP➣Public Works Program |
PWP➣Pacific Wildlife Project (est. 1985) |
PWP➣Pool Water Products (various locations) |
PWP➣Polished Wholesale Price (diamonds) |
PWP➣Particles per Wafer Pass |
PWP➣Personalized Workplace (various companies) |
PWP➣Partnership Work Program |
PWP➣Picowatt, Psophometrically Weighted |
PWP➣Perfect Wedding Planner (Woodbury, NY) |
PWP➣Plasticized White Phosphorous |
PWP➣Prentice, Williams, Peterson (Reliability Model) |
PWP➣Portable Word Processor |
PWP➣Plastic Waste Processor |
PWP➣Portable Work Platform |
PWP➣Pay-When-Paid |
PWP➣Personal Work Plan |
PWP➣Personal Web Page(s) (AT&T) |
PWP➣Peasants & Workers Party (India) |
PWP➣Page Widening Post |
PWP➣Personal Work Planner |
PWP➣Primary Water Processor |
PWP➣Pre-Defined Wavelet Packet |
PWP➣Product Warranty Period |
PWP➣Point with Pride |
PWP➣Paul Wood Photography (Slidell, LA) |
PWP➣Plot without Point (Internet slang) |
PWP➣Preliminary White Paper |
PWP➣Prosperity with a Purpose |
PWP➣Posting while Plastered |
PWP➣Proposed Work Package |