Tuglaci, Pars
Tuğlaci, Pars
Born 1933, in Istanbul. Turkish linguist; of Armenian nationality.
Tuglaci graduated from the University of Michigan in 1955. His main works are on lexicology and lexicography. He has compiled many bilingual dictionaries for various branches of science. From 1971 to 1974 he produced the three-volume dictionary Okyanus (Ocean), the largest defining dictionary in the Turkish language. He is a member of the Turkish Language Association.
Büyük Türkçe-Ingilizçe sôzlük. Istanbul, 1966.Büyük Türkçe-Fransizca sôzlük. Istanbul, 1966.
Türkçede anlamdas. ve karsit kelimeler sózlügü. Istanbul, 1967.