The Supreme Intelligence

The Supreme Intelligence

(pop culture)The Supreme Intelligence, one of Marvel Comics' many malevolent cosmic beings, is the ultimate group mind. A biocomputer amalgam of the most intelligent scholars of the galactic Kree empire, this entity sometimes called the Supremor made its presence known on Earth by ordering its soldier Ronan the Accuser to attack the interloping title stars of Fantastic Four vol. 1 #65 (1967). In its alarming form of an emerald-hued, spud-like organism with tendrils snaking from its head—picture Jabba the Hutt meets the mythological Medusa—the Supreme Intelligence lacks mobility but communicates via projection onto an enormous video monitor. The Supreme Intelligence was created by the militaristic Kree many millennia ago to aid in their epochal conflict with the shapeshifting Skrulls, but with its collective wisdom supplanted the Kree government, becoming dictator and deity. It has long sought to accelerate Kree evolutionary advancement through a variety of means, including interspecies breeding, the detonation of a “nega-bomb” (which massacred billions), and its use of the Destiny Crystal to spawn the Ruul race. With its mind set upon both governance of the Kree and the domination of other planets, including Earth, the Supreme Intelligence has made many enemies, including the Kree warrior Mar-Vell (Captain Marvel), the Avengers, the Silver Surfer, and Supremor's own agents, Ronan and Zarek the Imperial Minister, the latter of whom conspired to overthrow the despot. The Supreme Intelligence's tentacles have meandered throughout numerous Marvel titles and onto animated television in the Silver Surfer animated television cartoon (1998–1999).