Ukhtomskii, Aleksei Vladimirovich

Ukhtomskii, Aleksei Vladimirovich


Born 1876 in the village of Posdino, Novgorod Province; died Dec. 17 (30), 1905, in Liubertsy, in what is now Moscow Oblast. Participant in the Russian revolutionary movement.

A Socialist Revolutionary, Ukhtomskii was an engineer on the Moscow-Kazan Railroad. During the Revolution of 1905–07, he was a member of both the strike committee of the Moscow-Kazan Railroad and the Central Bureau of the Union of Railroad Workers. He led one of the fighting druzhinas (armed companies formed from the democratic strata of the population) that took part in the revolution. Beginning on Dec. 7 (20), 1905, he transported armed druzhina members, who conducted mass meetings and disarmed the police at various points along the railroad. After the suppression of the December Armed Uprising in Moscow on the 14th (27th) of the month, Ukhtomskii drove a train of druzhina members out of the city, escaping an ambush by tsarist forces. Ukhtomskii was arrested in Liubertsy and was one of a number of workers shot by members of a punitive detachment.