释义 |
pyeloplasty [pi´ĕ-lo-plas″te] plastic repair of the renal pelvis.py·e·lo·plas·ty (pī'ĕ-lō-plas'tē), Surgical reconstruction of the renal pelvis and ureter to correct an obstruction at the ureteropelvic junction. Synonym(s): pelvioplasty [pyelo- + G. plastos, formed] pyeloplasty (pī′ə-lə-plăs′tē)n. Plastic or reconstructive surgery of the pelvis of the kidney to correct an obstruction.py·e·lo·plas·ty (pī'e-lō-plas-tē) Surgical reconstruction of the kidney pelvis to correct an obstruction. Synonym(s): pelvioplasty (2) . [pyelo- + G. plastos, formed] |