Schuller phenomenon

Schül·ler phe·nom·e·non

(shil'ĕr), when patients with hemiplegia walk, if the disorder is functional they turn to the unaffected side; if it is organic, they turn to the affected side.

Schül·ler phe·nom·e·non

(shēl'er fĕ-nom'ĕ-non) When patients with hemiplegia walk, if the disorder is functional they turn to the unaffected side; if it is organic, they turn to the affected side.


Artur, Austrian neurologist, 1874-1958. Hand-Schüller-Christian disease - see under HandSchüller disease - Synonym(s): Hand-Schüller-Christian diseaseSchüller phenomenon - in cases of functional hemiplegia, the patient usually turns to the sound side in walking, but in cases of organic lesion, to the affected side.Schüller syndrome - Synonym(s): Hand-Schüller-Christian disease