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pylorostomy pylorostomy [pi″lor-os´tah-me] surgical formation of an opening through the abdominal wall into the stomach near the pylorus.py·lo·ros·to·my (pī'lō-ros'tŏ-mē), Establishment of a fistula from the abdominal surface into the stomach near the pylorus. [pyloro- + G. stoma, mouth] pylorostomy (pī′lə-rŏs′tə-mē)n. Surgical formation of a fistula from the abdominal surface into the stomach near the pylorus.py·lo·ros·to·my (pī'lō-ros'tŏ-mē) Establishment of a fistula from the abdominal surface into the stomach near the pylorus. [pyloro- + G. stoma, mouth] |