Pyogenic arthritis

sup·pu·ra·tive ar·thri·tis

acute inflammation of synovial membranes, with purulent effusion into a joint, due to bacterial infection; the usual route of infection is hemic to the synovial tissue, causing destruction of the articular cartilage; may become chronic, with sinus formation, osteomyelitis, deformity, and disability. Synonym(s): purulent synovitis, pyarthrosis, pyogenic arthritis, septic arthritis, suppurative synovitis

bacterial arthritis

An acute arthropathy characterised by painful swelling of a joint, fever, increased WBCs, local heat and inability to move the joint. Early, the joint is distended with pus, which may be accompanied by aseptic necrosis of subchondral bone; if untreated, the synovial space may be replaced by granulation tissue and fibrosis, resulting in bony ankylosis.
Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Neisseria.

Pyogenic arthritis

Another name for infectious arthritis. Pyogenic means that pus is formed during the disease process.Mentioned in: Infectious Arthritis