

R0210400 (rĭ-vŏlv′)v. re·volved, re·volv·ing, re·volves v.intr.1. To orbit a central point: The planets revolve around the sun.2. To turn on an axis; rotate. See Synonyms at turn.3. To be arranged as revolving credit: His credit line revolves.4. To be centered: Their troubles revolve around money To cause to revolve.2. To ponder or reflect on: revolved the matter in his mind.
[Middle English revolven, to change direction, from Old French revolver, to reflect upon, from Latin revolvere, to turn over, roll back, reflect upon : re-, re- + volvere, to roll; see wel- in Indo-European roots.]
re·volv′a·ble adj.


(rɪˈvɒlvɪŋ) adj1. moving around a central axis: revolving door. 2. (Commerce) (of a fund) constantly added to from income from its investments to offset outgoing payments3. (Commerce) (of a letter of credit, load, etc) available to be repeatedly drawn on by the beneficiary provided that a specified amount is never exceeded reˈvolvingly adv


(rəˈvolv) verb to move, roll or turn (in a complete circle) around a central point, axis etc. A wheel revolves on its axle; This disc can be revolved; The Moon revolves (a)round the Earth; The Earth revolves about the Sun and also revolves on its axis. 旋轉 旋转reˈvolver noun a type of pistol. She shot him with a revolver. 左輪手槍 左轮手枪reˈvolving adjectiverevolving doors. 旋轉的 旋转的转动的