Sylvan Lake State Park

Sylvan Lake State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Colorado
Location:I-70 west to the Eagle exit, south through the town of Eagle to Brush Creek Road, then turn right and go 15 miles to the park.
Facilities:46 campsites, group campground, 9 cabins, 3 yurts, showers, restrooms,30 picnic sites, multi-use trail (1 mile), boat ramp, boatrental, visitor/nature center (é).
Activities:Camping, boating (non-motorized or electric trolling motors only),fishing, sailboarding, hiking, mountain biking, hunting, snowmobiling,cross-country skiing, ice skating, ice fishing, snowtubing, wintercamping, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park features a small mountain lake and is surrounded by the White River National Forest (see entry in national forests section).
Address:10200 Brush Creek Rd
PO Box 1475
Eagle, CO 81631

Size: 1,427 acres land; 40 acres water. Elevation: 8,500 feet.

See other parks in Colorado.