Valuev, Dmitrii Aleksandrovich
Valuev, Dmitrii Aleksandrovich
(also, D. A. Voluev). Born Sept. 14 (26), 1820; died Nov. 23 (Dec. 5), 1845, in Novgorod. Russian historian and public figure. A Slavophile.
Value descended from the gentry of Simbirsk Province. He graduated from Moscow University in 1841. Valuev published the Simbirsk Collection (1844) and the Collection of Historical and Statistical Information About Russia and Its Peoples of One Faith and One Tribe (vols. 1-2, 1845). In the former he printed materials on the history of Muscovite Rus’ and “A Study of Localism,” his own major historical work, which laid the foundation for the study of the interest in local affairs known as localism. In the foreword to the second Collection Valuev set forth his Slavophile ideas and published an article on Christianity in Abyssinia. Valuev’s argument and that of many authors in the Collection in defense of the southern and western Slavs from the threat of their complete enslavement by Turkey, Austria, and Prussia were of great significance. The ideas of Valuev, as set forth in the Collection, were influential on the Slavist Russian historians—A. F. Gil’ferding, V. I. Lamanskii, N. A. Popov, and A. A. Maikov. In 1843, Valuev founded and, with the help of P. G. Redkin, edited the periodical publication Biblioteka dlia vospitaniia (Library for Education).
V. [Panov, V. A.] Bibliografiia D. A. Valueva. Moscow, 1846. (Reprinted in Russkii arkhiv, 1899, book 3.)S. S. DMITRIEV