

Psychology A process in which persons assign worth to a particular activity or object

Patient discussion about valuing

Q. Will it be good and what is its nutritional value? I wish to take oats as my breakfast with milk or juice. Will it be good and what is its nutritional value?A. It is undoubtedly a good idea to have oats as your breakfast with milk or juice. It is well known for its high fiber content which is the best remedy for constipation and also plays a vital role in the cholesterol management and smoothens the digestive process. It also helps you in loosing body weight. It is even good for nervous system and in turn treats depression as well. Around 150gm of oat gives 600kcal energy. Apart from protein, lipid, carbohydrate and fiber content, it is a very good source of minerals such as calcium, iron sodium, zinc, and vitamins like vitamin C, B, A.

Q. What is the nutritional value of oats? I am having oats for my morning breakfast from last week, as I know it is good to have them. But what is the nutritional value of oats?A. oats are rich with vitamins, energy and protein. makes a wonderful breakfast! (at least when my wife makes it!!).
here's a link to a nutritional value list of oats:
and here's a link to some recipes!:
bread -
Biscuits -
bon apetite!

Q. What are carbohydrates and where they are found and what is their nutritional value? A. You got it.

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