释义 |
pyopneumocholecystitis pyopneumocholecystitis [pi″o-noo″mo-ko″le-sis-ti´-tis] distention of the gallbladder, with the presence of pus and gas.py·o·pneu·mo·cho·le·cys·ti·tis (pī'ō-nū'mō-kō'lē-sis-tī'tis), Combination of pus and gas in an inflamed gallbladder caused by gas-producing organisms or by the entry of air from the duodenum through the biliary tree. [pyo- + G. pneuma, air, + cholecystitis] py·o·pneu·mo·cho·le·cys·ti·tis (pī'ō-nū'mŏ-kō'lē-sis-tī'tis) Combination of pus and gas in an inflamed gallbladder caused by gas-producing organisms or by the entry of gas from the duodenum through the biliary tree. [pyo- + G. pneuma, air, + cholecystitis] |