pyramidal cell layer

py·ram·i·dal cell lay·er

layers 3 and 5 of the cortex cerebri. Synonym(s): Meynert layer


Theodor H., Austrian neurologist, 1833-1892. Meynert cells - solitary pyramidal cells found in the cortex in the region of the calcarine fissure.Meynert commissures - the commissural fibers that lie above and behind the optic chiasm. Synonym(s): commissurae supraopticaeMeynert decussationMeynert fasciculus - a compact bundle of fibers in the midbrain. Synonym(s): Meynert retroflex bundle; retroflex fasciculusMeynert layer - layer three of the cortex cerebri. Synonym(s): pyramidal cell layerMeynert retroflex bundle - Synonym(s): Meynert fasciculus