Schwann cell unit

Schwann cell u·nit

(shwahn), a single Schwann cell and those axons lying in troughs indenting its surface; this unit is regarded as an unmyelinated fiber in the peripheral nervous system.


Theodor, German histologist and physiologist, 1810-1882. Schwann cell unit - a single Schwann cell and all of the axons lying in troughs indenting its surface.Schwann cells - cells of ectodermal (neural crest) origin that compose a continuous envelope around each nerve fiber of peripheral nerves. Synonym(s): neurilemma cellsSchwann tumorSchwann white substance - the lipid material present in the myelin sheath of nerve fibers; the medulla of bones and other organs.schwannoma - Synonym(s): neurilemoma; neuroschwannomasheath of Schwann - a cell that enfolds one or more axons of the peripheral nervous system. Synonym(s): neurilemma