Schwartz syndrome

Schwartz syn·drome

(shwōrts), [MIM*255800] a congenital disorder characterized by myotonic myopathy, dystrophy of epiphyseal cartilages resulting in dwarfism, joint contractures, blepharophimosis, and characteristic facies; autosomal recessive inheritance.

Schwartz syn·drome

(shwōrts), [MIM*255800] a congenital disorder characterized by myotonic myopathy, dystrophy of epiphyseal cartilages resulting in dwarfism, joint contractures, blepharophimosis, and characteristic facies; autosomal recessive inheritance.


Oscar, U.S. pediatrician, 1919–. Schwartz syndrome - multiple congenital disorders.Schwartz-Jampel syndrome - myotonic chondrodystrophySynonym(s): Schwartz-Jampel-Aberfeld syndromeSchwartz-Jampel-Aberfeld syndrome - Synonym(s): Schwartz-Jampel syndrome