Schwarzenberg, Felix Von
Schwarzenberg, Felix Von
Born Oct. 2,1800, in Krum-mau (now Český Krumlov, Czechoslovakia); died Apr. 5, 1852, in Vienna. Austrian statesman; field marshal; prince.
Between 1838 and 1848, Schwarzenberg served as a minister first in Turin and Parma and then in Naples. In 1848, commanding a division of Radetzky’s army, he helped suppress the revolution in Italy. He became prime minister and foreign minister of Austria in November of the same year. His government crushed the revolution in Austria and, with the aid of troops from tsarist Russia, the revolution in Hungary.
Schwarzenberg’s politics were aimed at establishing Austrian hegemony in Central Europe. In November 1850, at Olomouc (Olmütz), he concluded an agreement with Prussia that contributed to an increase in Austrian influence within the German Confederation.