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silo-filler's disease silo-filler's disease pulmonary inflammation, often with acute pulmonary edema, due to inhalation of the irritant gases (especially oxides of nitrogen) that collect in recently filled silos.si·lo-·fil·ler's dis·easea pulmonary lesion produced by oxides of nitrogen present in fresh silage; in its acute form, it may lead to death from pulmonary edema or may go on to a subacute or chronic proliferative pulmonary disease, sometimes leading to chronic pulmonary invalidism.silo-filler's diseaseS08-861880 (si'lo-fil'erz) A rare respiratory illness produced by exposure to nitrogen oxides released from fermenting organic matter in freshly filled, poorly ventilated farm silos. Silage gases irritate the mouth, nose, pharynx, bronchi, and lungs, interfering with oxygenation and gas exchange. Alveolar damage and hemorrhagic pulmonary edema may result; about 20% of affected persons die of the exposure. Delayed injury to the lungs, esp. emphysema or bronchiolitis obliterans, may occur long after the initial exposure to silage gases. PreventionNo one should enter a silo until 7 to 10 days after it is filled. Good ventilation above the base of a silo should be maintained during the 7- to 10-day period. The area should be fenced in to prevent children or animals from straying into the space surrounding a silo. An exhaust fan should always be activated before a person enters a silo. TreatmentCorticosteroids such as prednisone or methylprednisolone help prevent lung injury in patients exposed to silage gases. Synonym: grain fever |