pyramid of medulla oblongata

pyr·a·mid of me·dul·la ob·lon·ga·ta

an elongated, white prominence on the anterior surface of the medulla oblongata on either side along the anterior median fissure, corresponding to the position of fibers forming the corticospinal tracts. Synonym(s): pyramis medullae oblongatae [TA], anterior column of medulla oblongata, anterior pyramid

pyr·a·mid of me·dul·la ob·lon·ga·ta

(pir'ă-mid mĕ-dŭl'ă ob-long-gā'tă) An elongated white prominence on the ventral surface of the medulla oblongata on either side along the anterior median fissure, corresponding to the pyramidal tract.
Synonym(s): anterior pyramid, pyramis medullae oblongatae.