the tools of the/your trade

the tools of the/(one's) trade

The specific tools used in a particular profession. If you want to become a painter, you have to familiarize yourself with the tools of the trade—which include more than just paintbrushes. As a reporter, the tools of my trade used to be a pencil and a pad of paper—but now technology has changed the game.See also: of, tool, trade

the tools of the trade


the tools of your trade

The tools of the trade or the tools of your trade are the skills and equipment that you need to do your job. He was never really a novelist, having no use for the usual tools of the trade such as plot and suspense. The peasants were deprived of their animals, the tools of their trade, and their land.See also: of, tool, trade

the tools of the/your ˈtrade

the things you need to do your job: We are proud to make David’s boots, because they are the tools of his trade as a professional footballer.Ambulancemen now believe that helicopters are vital tools of the trade.See also: of, tool, trade