Reye syndrome

Reye syn·drome

(), an acquired encephalopathy of young children that follows an acute febrile illness, usually influenza or varicella infection; characterized by recurrent vomiting, agitation, and lethargy, which may lead to coma with intracranial hypertension; ammonia and serum transaminase levels are elevated; death may result from edema of the brain and resulting cerebral herniation. May be linked to aspirin ingestion.

Reye syndrome

Neurology A potentially fatal condition characterized by acute encephalopathy and fatty degeneration of liver, with a dose-dependent relationship to use of aspirin in children with viral infections–eg, influenza, varicella-zoster Clinical Vomiting, hepatic dysfunction, variable neurologic impairment–irritable and combative behavior, loss of consciousness, stupor, seizures, coma, death, often preceded by viral URIs or varicella Lab ↑ Transaminases, glutamine and ammonia in CSF, hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis DiffDx Drug & chemicals–Aspirin, other salicylates, acetaminophen, lead, valproic acid, methyl bromide, hydrocarbons, chlordane, ethanol, disulfiram Infectious–viral encephalitis, hepatitis Metabolic–cystic fibrosis, carnitine deficiency, hereditary fructose intolerance, isovaleric acidemia, urea cycle disorders Others–Pancreatic encephalopathy, acute encephalopathy with fatty metamorphosis of the liver due to cold agglutinin autoimmune hemolytic anemia, toxic encephalopathy Treatment None universally accepted. See Lovejoy's classification, Will Rogers phenomenon.

Reye syn·drome

(rī sin'drōm) An acquired encephalopathy of young children that follows an acute febrile illness, usually influenza or varicella infection; characterized by recurrent vomiting, agitation, and lethargy, which may lead to coma with intracranial hypertension; ammonia and serum transaminases are elevated; death may result from edema of the brain and resulting cerebral herniation. Strongly associated with aspirin therapy.
Synonym(s): hepatic encephalopathy (2) .


Ralph Douglas Kenneth, Australian pediatric pathologist, 1912-1978. Reye syndrome - an acquired encephalopathy of young children that follows an acute febrile illness, usually influenza or varicella infection.