Science and Engineering Research Council

Science and Engineering Research Council

(body)(SERC) Formerly the largest of the five researchcouncils funded by the British Government through the Officeof Science and Technology. SERC funded higher educationresearch in science and engineering, including computing andwas responsible for the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, nearOxford; the Daresbury Laboratory, near Warrington; the RoyalGreenwich Observatory at Cambridge and the Royal Observatory,Edinburgh.

In April 1994 SERC was split into the Engineering and PhysicalSciences Research Council and the Particle Physics andAstronomy Research Council. SERC's remote sensing effortshave been transferred to the Natural Environment RC and itsbiotechnology efforts merged with the Agriculture and Food RCto make the new Biotechnology and Biological Sciences RC. Thetwo major SERC laboratories - Rutherford Appleton Laboratoryand Daresbury Laboratory are now independent.