释义 |
pyro-(word root) fireExamples of words with the root pyro-: pyromaniacpyro- or pyr-pref.1. Fire; heat: pyrotechnic.2. Relating to the action of fire or heat: pyrography.3. Fever: pyrogen.4. Formed upon heating, by loss of water or another small molecule: pyrosulfuric acid. [New Latin, from Greek puro-, from pūr, fire; see paəwr̥ in Indo-European roots.]pyro- or before a vowel pyr- combining form1. denoting fire, heat, or high temperature: pyromania; pyrometer. 2. (General Physics) caused or obtained by fire or heat: pyroelectricity. 3. (Chemistry) chem a. denoting a new substance obtained by heating another: pyroboric acid is obtained by heating boric acid. b. denoting an acid or salt with a water content intermediate between that of the ortho- and meta- compounds: pyro-phosphoric acid. 4. (Minerals) mineralogy a. having a property that changes upon the application of heat: pyromorphite. b. having a flame-coloured appearance: pyroxylin. [from Gk pur fire]pyro- 1. a combining form meaning “fire,” “heat,” “high temperature,” used in the formation of compound words: pyrogen; pyromancy. 2. a. a combining form used in the names of inorganic acids, the water content of which is intermediate between the ortho and meta forms of an acid: pyrophosphoric acid. b. a combining form used in the names of the salts of these acids. Also, esp. before h or a vowel, pyr-. [< Greek pyro-, comb. form of pŷr fire]
pyro-[′pī·rō, ′pī·rə] (chemistry) A chemical prefix for compounds formed by heat, such as pyrophosphoric acid, an inorganic acid formed by the loss of one water molecule from two molecules of an ortho acid. pyro-
pyro-1. Combining form denoting fire, heat, or fever. See also: pyr-, pyreto-. See also: anhydro-. 2. In chemistry, combining form denoting derivatives formed by removal of water (usually by heat) to form anhydrides. See also: anhydro-. [G. pyr, fire] pyro- 1. Combining form denoting fire, heat, or fever. See also: pyreto-2. chemistry Combining form denoting derivatives formed by removal of water (usually by heat) to form anhydrides. See also: anhydro-[G. pyr, fire]pyro- 1. Combining form denoting fire, heat, or fever. 2. In chemistry, combining form denoting derivatives formed by removal of water (usually by heat) to form anhydrides. [G. pyr, fire]PYRO-
Acronym | Definition |
PYRO-➣Formed By Heat (Prefix) |