play second fiddle to

play second fiddle

To have a subordinate, lesser, or smaller role, position, or part (in something). I'm really sick of playing second fiddle to this ignoramus—I'm the one who deserves to be the star of the show! Because I wasn't willing to play office politics, I never got the big promotion and have been playing second fiddle ever since.See also: fiddle, play, second

play second fiddle to

take a subordinate role to someone or something. The expression derives from the respective roles of the fiddles or violins in an orchestra. Both play first fiddle and play third fiddle are much less common. The implication of playing second fiddle is often that it is somewhat demeaning. 1998 Times In A Yank at Oxford she played second fiddle to Vivien Leigh, which never got anyone very far. See also: fiddle, play, second