

单词 ple
释义 EncyclopediaSeePles



Abbreviation for:
panlobular emphysema
parietal lobe epilepsy
polymorphous light eruption
pronounced life extinct, see there 
protein-losing enteropathy


PLEProtein-Losing Enteropathy
PLEPersonal Learning Environment
PLEProduct Line Engineering
PLEPublic Legal Education (Canada)
PLEPlexmar Resources Inc.
PLEPassword List Editor
PLEPersonal Learning Edition
PLEPath Length Efficiency
PLEPowerline Ethernet
PLEPlato Learning Environment
PLEPhotoluminescence Excitation
PLEPortuguês Língua Estrangeira (Portugese)
PLEPolymorphic Light Eruption
PLEPython Learning Environment (software)
PLEPlethora Solutions (UK)
PLEProperty List Editor (software)
PLEProduct Line Executive
PLEPrimary Leaving Examination (Uganda National Examinations Council; education)
PLEPressurised Liquid Extraction
PLEPolypodium Leucotomos Extract
PLEPymatuning Laboratory of Ecology (Pennsylvania)
PLEPersonal Living Expense (taxes)
PLEPrincipal Level Exercise
PLEProgrammable Logic Element
PLEPeak Luminance Enhancement (NEC)
PLEPower Line Engineering PCL (Thailand)
PLEPerinatal Lethality
PLEProgramming Language Exploration
PLEPage Life Expectancy
PLEPhase-Locked Epitaxy
PLEPrimary Longman Express
PLEPaiela Airport (Papua New Guinea)
PLEProbable Limits of Error
PLEPrudent Limit of Endurance
PLEPleasant Lea Elementary (Missouri)
PLEPanel of Legal Experts
PLEProfessional Learning Exchange
PLEPittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Company
PLEPlaneringsenhet (Swedish)
PLEPlanned Limit Endurance
PLEParticipatory Learning Exercise
PLEPacketLink Environment
PLEPioneer Living Experience
PLEPapeterie les Entreprises (French: Stationery Enterprises; Canada)
PLEPreliminary Logistic Evaluation
PLEPort Liaison Element (diplomatic clearance requests for Navy ships visiting port.)
PLEProgrammable Legal Entity




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