

(əkăs`təs), in Greek mythology, son of PeliasPelias
, in Greek mythology, usurper of the throne of Iolcus. He was the son of Tyro and Poseidon and the twin brother of Neleus. After his birth his mother married Cretheus, king of Iolcus, and gave birth to Aeson.
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, cousin of JasonJason,
in Greek mythology, son of Aeson. When Pelias usurped the throne of Iolcus and killed (or imprisoned) Aeson and most of his descendants, Jason was smuggled off to the centaur Chiron, who reared him secretly on Mt. Pelion.
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. He accompanied Jason on the Argonaut expedition, but when Jason and MedeaMedea
, in Greek mythology, princess of Colchis, skilled in magic and sorcery. She fell in love with Jason and helped him, against the will of her father, Aeëtes, to obtain the Golden Fleece.
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 murdered Pelias and usurped the throne of Iolcus, Acastus drove them away. Later, his wife fell in love with PeleusPeleus
, in Greek mythology, son of Aeacus and the father of Achilles by Thetis. He and his brother Telamon killed their half-brother Phocus and were exiled from Aegina.
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, the father of Achilles, who did not return her affection. Enraged, she falsely accused him of raping her. Acastus took revenge by leaving Peleus unprotected on Mt. Pelion. Rescued by the centaur Chiron, Peleus subsequently captured Iolcus and killed Acastus and his wife.