

V0088400 (vĭs′ə-nĭj)n.1. a. A limited region around a particular area; a vicinity.b. A number of places situated near each other and considered as a group.2. The residents of a particular neighborhood.3. The state of living in a neighborhood; proximity.
[Middle English vesinage, from Old French, from vesin, neighboring, from Latin vīcīnus; see vicinity.]


(ˈvɪsənɪdʒ) n1. the residents of a particular neighbourhood2. a less common word for vicinity[C14: from Old French vicenage, from vicin neighbouring, from Latin vīcīnus; see vicinity]


(ˈvɪs ə nɪdʒ)

n. 1. the region near or about a place; vicinity. 2. a particular neighborhood or district, or the people belonging to it. 3. proximity. [1275–1325; Middle English vesinage < Old French, =vesin near]