Transport Layer Interface
Transport Layer Interface
(networking, programming)TLI is defined by SVID as transport mechanism for networkinginterfaces, in preference to sockets, which are biasedtoward IP and friends. A disavantage is that a processcannot use read/write directly, but has to use backends usingstdin and stdout to communicate with the networkconnection. TLI is implemented in SVR4 using the STREAMSinterface. It adds no new system calls, just a library,libnsl_s.a. The major functions are t_open, t_bind,t_connect, t_listen, t_accept, t_snd, t_rcv, read, write.
According to the Solaris t_open man page, XTI (X/OPENTransport Interface) evolved from TLI, and supports the TLIAPI for compatibility, with some variations on semantics.