Transport Publishing House

Transport Publishing House


a central publishing house within the system of the State Committee on Publishing of the USSR. Located in Moscow, the publishing house was founded in 1964 to replace the Avtotransizdat Publishing House (founded 1953), the Morskoi Transport and Rechnoi Transport publishing houses (both 1954), and the Transzheldorizdat Publishing House (1923).

Transport publishes scientific, technical, and industry-oriented materials on railroad, motor-vehicle, air, maritime, river, and urban transport, as well as materials dealing with the coordination of different types of transportation into a unified transportation system. Other materials published by Transport are popular science and reference works, informational publications for passengers, and textbooks and manuals for higher and specialized secondary educational institutions and technical and correspondence schools.

Journals published by Transport include Avtomatika, telemekhanika isviaz’ (Automation, Remote Control, and Communications), Avtomobil’nye dorogi (Highways), Avtomobil’nyi transport (Motor Vehicle Transport), Zheleznodorozhnyi transport (Railroad Transport), Morskoi flot (Merchant Marine), Put’ ipu-tevoe khoziaistvo (Railroads and Railroad Management), and Transportnoestroitel’stvo (Transportation Construction).

Transport fills orders from transportation organizations for shipping documents, passenger tickets, work schedules, train timetables, catalogs, advertising and informational materials, and listings of rules and regulations. Divisions of Transport located in major administrative centers of the USSR stock these publications at transportation enterprises. Transport publishes more than 1,200 titles annually in more than 20 million copies.