释义 |
DictionarySeetransposontransposable element
trans·pos·a·ble el·e·menta DNA sequence that can move from one location in the genome to another; the transposition event can involve both recombination and replication, producing two copies of the moving piece of DNA; the insertion of these DNA fragments can disrupt the integrity of the target gene, possibly causing activation of dormant genes, deletions, inversions, and a variety of chromosomal aberrations. See also: transposon. trans·pos·a·ble el·e·ment (trans-pōz'ă-bĕl el'ĕ-mĕnt) A DNA sequence that can move from one location in the genome to another; the transposition event can involve both recombination and replication, producing two copies of the moving piece of DNA; the insertion of these DNA fragments can disrupt the integrity of the target gene, possibly causing activation of dormant genes, deletions, inversions, and a variety of chromosomal aberrations. LegalSeeElement |