Acronym | Definition |
VIP➣Very Important Person |
VIP➣Volunteers in Parks |
VIP➣Very Important Papers |
VIP➣Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide |
VIP➣Variation in Production (music) |
VIP➣Vacuum Infusion Process (boat construction) |
VIP➣Very Important Part |
VIP➣Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide |
VIP➣Video Over IP |
VIP➣Value in Purchasing (various organizations) |
VIP➣Verification IP |
VIP➣Vision International People Group (est. 1996) |
VIP➣Vision Impaired People (various locations) |
VIP➣Virtus Pro |
VIP➣Very Important Paws (Florida) |
VIP➣Virtual Internet Protocol (IETF) |
VIP➣Visual Information Processor |
VIP➣Video Image Processor |
VIP➣Virtual Ip |
VIP➣Virtual Instance Port |
VIP➣Vines Internet Protocol |
VIP➣Versatile Interface Processor |
VIP➣Video Player |
VIP➣Vertically Integrated Portal |
VIP➣Video Interface Port |
VIP➣Video Image Printing |
VIP➣Very Important Product |
VIP➣Vehicle Intrusion Protection |
VIP➣Visual Programming |
VIP➣Video Information Player |
VIP➣Verisign Identity Protection |
VIP➣Voice Initialize All Parameters |
VIP➣Vendor Integration Protocol |
VIP➣Visualising Interactive Processing |
VIP➣Vauxhall Internet Price |
VIP➣Visual Interdev Project |
VIP➣Volunteers in Policing |
VIP➣Versatile Interface Processor (Cisco) |
VIP➣Very Important Pet |
VIP➣Violence Intervention Program |
VIP➣Veterans Independence Program (Canada) |
VIP➣Variable Insurance Products |
VIP➣Very Interesting Person |
VIP➣Very Inspirational Person |
VIP➣Visually Impaired Person |
VIP➣Very Irritating Person |
VIP➣Verification Intellectual Property |
VIP➣Vacuum Insulated Pipe |
VIP➣Volunteer Incentive Program |
VIP➣Verified Identity Pass (biometric security screening product by Verified Identity Pass, Inc.) |
VIP➣Vendor Information Pages |
VIP➣Very Important Princess |
VIP➣Very Impatient Person |
VIP➣Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine |
VIP➣Violence Intervention and Prevention (Institute) |
VIP➣Vehicle Inspection Program |
VIP➣Very Intelligent Person |
VIP➣Value in Partnership |
VIP➣Ventral Intraparietal |
VIP➣Vision in Preschoolers (study) |
VIP➣Very Important Parent |
VIP➣Visual Immunoprecipitate (assay) |
VIP➣Victims' Impact Panel (Oklahoma and Tennessee) |
VIP➣Vallery Irons Protection |
VIP➣Virtual Interrupt Pending |
VIP➣Video Interface Port (computer video card overlay interface) |
VIP➣Veterans Information Portal |
VIP➣Voting Integrity Project |
VIP➣Vienna International Planespotters |
VIP➣Video Information Provider |
VIP➣Variable Information Processing |
VIP➣Virginia Inland Port |
VIP➣Volunteers in Probation |
VIP➣Virginia Investment Partnership |
VIP➣Venture Initiation Program (Wharton Business School) |
VIP➣Very Impressive Person |
VIP➣Virginia Independence Program |
VIP➣Volunteer Initiative Program |
VIP➣Vertically Installed Planar |
VIP➣Video Input Processor |
VIP➣Visually Integrated Phone |
VIP➣Very Impossible Person |
VIP➣Vines Internet Protocol (Banyan) |
VIP➣Visual Identity Program |
VIP➣Verde Island Passage (Philippines) |
VIP➣Voluntary Investment Program |
VIP➣Validity Indicator Profile |
VIP➣Very Important Presentation |
VIP➣Vanpool Incentive Program |
VIP➣Virtual Internet Provider |
VIP➣Verified Independently for Performance (Graybar) |
VIP➣Vehicle Intrusion Program (Toyota) |
VIP➣Vendor Information Program |
VIP➣Volunteers in Psychotherapy |
VIP➣Visual Information Projection |
VIP➣Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy |
VIP➣Voter Integrity Party |
VIP➣Visual Interaction Platform |
VIP➣Vacation Investment Properties |
VIP➣Versatile Internet Platform |
VIP➣Volunteer Investment Program |
VIP➣Vulnerable Infants Program |
VIP➣Video Instructional Program |
VIP➣Vital Intervention Professionals (Prosper, TX) |
VIP➣Vagabonds in Power (Fela Kuti album) |
VIP➣Very Into Pizza (Pizza Hut) |
VIP➣Value in Performance |
VIP➣Volunteers for International Partnership |
VIP➣Virtual Interactive Personnel |
VIP➣Visionary Integration Professionals, Inc |
VIP➣Voice Information Processing |
VIP➣Virgin Islands Power Yacht (Charters) |
VIP➣Valley Investigators of the Paranormal (California) |
VIP➣Virtual Interface Processor (Cisco) |
VIP➣Vacation Interchange Privileges (cruises) |
VIP➣Very Important Pilot |
VIP➣Very Incompetent President |
VIP➣Video Integrator Processor |
VIP➣Visual Interface for Promela |
VIP➣Very Idiotic Person |
VIP➣Very Important Perpetrator |
VIP➣Visual Infusion Phlebitis |
VIP➣Ventures in Partnerships |
VIP➣Vanity Is Perfection (online group) |
VIP➣Vanilla Ice Posse (band) |
VIP➣Vp-16 Ifosfamide Cisplatin (chemotherapy protocol, notably for testicular and ovarian cancers) |
VIP➣Volume/Issue/Page (referencing quotes from periodicals) |
VIP➣Viewers In Profile |
VIP➣Volunteer Information Profile |
VIP➣VAM Intelligent Protection (Vincera) |
VIP➣Valeo Integrated Partners |
VIP➣Variable Incentive Pay |
VIP➣Violet in Profusion (Petunia variety) |
VIP➣Vocational Instructor Preparation |
VIP➣Voice Interactive Phone (US West) |
VIP➣Very Important Prospect |
VIP➣Vertical Interconnect Pillar (Vertical Circuits) |
VIP➣Verifone International Partners |
VIP➣Value Insurance Plan (MCI) |
VIP➣Victory in Prayer |
VIP➣Virtual Infrastructure Protection |
VIP➣Vehicle Improvement Program |
VIP➣Video Image Printer |
VIP➣Vendor Involvement Program |
VIP➣Versatile Individual Program |
VIP➣Volunteer and Internship Programs |
VIP➣Vision Industry Partner |
VIP➣Visual Initial Point |
VIP➣Vallery Irons Protection Team (TV show) |
VIP➣Vierzon I-Déal Poker (poker club; Vierzon, France) |
VIP➣View Interactive Programming |
VIP➣Vertical Intelligent Power |
VIP➣Ventures in Peace |
VIP➣Visualization Immersive Projection |
VIP➣Very Important Pop |
VIP➣Venture International Program |
VIP➣Vulnerable Isolated Persons (with Alzheimers Disease; research study) |
VIP➣Volunteers in Preservation |
VIP➣Vivid Image Productions (UK video visualists for the dance music industry) |
VIP➣Volunteer Interchange Partners |
VIP➣Valued Impression per Pound |
VIP➣Vision Interface Project |
VIP➣Very Informed Peers |
VIP➣Vertical Impact Protection |
VIP➣Vendor Integrity Program (Kroll Associates) |
VIP➣Verification Integration Plan |
VIP➣Violet, Indigo, Purple |
VIP➣Video Imaging Projectile |
VIP➣Virtual Instant Portal |
VIP➣Visual Information Processor/Processing |
VIP➣Vision Institute of Professionals |
VIP➣Volunteer International Program |
VIP➣Vendor Improvement Plan |
VIP➣Visual Information Projector/Projection |
VIP➣Versatile Interchange Processor |
VIP➣Visual Information Presentation |
VIP➣Value Improving Practice |
VIP➣Visual Instrument Programmer (Wavetek) |