Acronym | Definition |
RFM➣Recovery from Mormonism |
RFM➣Royalty Free Music (intellectual property) |
RFM➣Remote Fleet Management |
RFM➣Recency, Frequency, Monetary |
RFM➣Reduced Functionality Mode (software) |
RFM➣Regional Facilities Manager (various locations) |
RFM➣Right-Arm Fast Medium (cricket; also seen as RAFM) |
RFM➣Rocks/Fossils/Minerals (collectibles) |
RFM➣Risk Factor Management (healthcare) |
RFM➣Rotorcraft Flight Manual |
RFM➣Reform Party |
RFM➣Radio Frequency Module |
RFM➣Retirement and Financial Management |
RFM➣Request for Modification |
RFM➣Request for Material |
RFM➣Rensburg Fund Management |
RFM➣Relentless Forward Movement (exercise) |
RFM➣Radio Free Monterey |
RFM➣Request for Mediation (Wikimedia Foundation) |
RFM➣Reply to Flagged Message |
RFM➣Retained Fetal Membrane (livestock science) |
RFM➣Radio Frequency Monitor |
RFM➣Requiring Financial Manager |
RFM➣Redundancy and Fault Management |
RFM➣Reliable Flow Manager |
RFM➣Reader-Focused Method |
RFM➣Read the Flippin' Manual (polite form) |
RFM➣Redundancy Fault Management |
RFM➣Reliability Focused Management |
RFM➣Regional Functional Manager |
RFM➣Resources for Ministry (various locations) |
RFM➣Refueling Maintenance |
RFM➣Reconfigurable Furnace Module (US NASA) |
RFM➣Reparability and Forecast Model |
RFM➣Response Force Member (US DoD) |
RFM➣Replay File Management |
RFM➣Released for Manufacture |